help with a Rowan Pattern

Hi, I’m working with a Rowan pattern for a sweater with raglan sleeves and the following directions:
Next Row (RS): K2, K2tog, K to last 4 sts, sl 1, K1, psso, K2
Next Row: (P2, P2tog tbl), P to last 4 sts, P2tog, P2j
Working all raglan armhole decreases as set by last 2 rows, dec 1 st at each eand of 3rd [next] and foll 2 rows, the on foll 21 alt rows.

I’m unclear on in which rows to decrease. the 3rd next and foll and then another foll has me completely confused. All help appreciated!

By 3rd (next) it means the next row. To me it looks like they are referring to this as the 3rd row by referring back to the 2 previous rows as though they are rows 1 and 2.
Next row 1
Next row 2
These two rows set how to decrease as they are instructions for right side and wrong side decreases.
Next row 3 dec as row 1 rs
Following 2 is rows 4 and 5, so:
Row 4 dec as row 2 ws
Row 5 dec as row 1 rs

Then in following 21 alternate rows
Row 6 ws
Row 7 this is the first alternate row. Dec as row 1 rs
Row 8 ws
Row 9 this is the second alternate row. Dec as row 1 rs
Row 10
Row 11 this is third alternate row.
You keep going with decreases on alternate rows until you have completed 21 alternate rows.

You might prefer to count rows in a different way, for example where I put row 7, if you want you can call this 1 again as its the first alternate row decrease. In this case next row is wrong side and not counted and the row after is the second alternate row and second decrease out of the 21 needed. Whatever you find easiest.

Hope this helps.

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so just to make sure that got it…
I decrease in rows, 1,2,3,4,5 and then again in row 7 and from there on for 21 rows, I only decrease on the right side?

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That is my interpretation, yes. The first 5 rows have decreases. After that only decrease on the RS rows.


That’s amazing. Thank you tons for your help!!

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Did this work out for you? I’m on the same pattern and still confused! I’m knitting size M.

Hi. Can anyone help me with this please? I am completely confused!
Shape raglan armholes
:+1:Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 2 rows. 95 [107: 119: 133: 149] sts.
:+1:Next row (RS): K2, sl 1, K1, psso, K to last 4 sts, K2tog, K2.
:+1:Next row: (P2, P2tog) 0 [0: 0: 1: 1] times, P to last 0 [0: 0: 4: 4] sts,
(P2tog tbl, P2) 0 [0: 0: 1: 1] times. 93 [105: 117: 129: 145] sts.

This bit has me confused! Sizes are S (M L XL XXL) I’m knitting size M.

Working all raglan armhole decreases as set by last 2 rows,
dec 1 st at each end of 3rd [3rd: 3rd: next: next] and foll 0 [0: 0: 8: 18] rows,
then on 8 [3: 0: 0: 0] foll 4th rows,
then on foll 15 [26: 34: 32: 29] alt
45 [45: 47: 47: 49] sts.
Work 1 row, ending with RS facing for next row.
Break yarn and leave sts on a holder.

Thanks for giving us the size you’re making.
For the next decreases at each end of the row, dec on rows 3, 7,11 and 15. Then decrease every other row for 26 decrease rows. That’ll be rows 17,19,21,23,25 and so on. It’ll take you from 105sts to 45.

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Thank you for your help. That’s a total of 42 rows. The raglan decreases 2 st each k then the further 2 decreases at each end of 3rd and 3 4th rows then alt 26 rows. My calculations tell me that if I do that I will end up with 29 stitches by the end. I’m still not getting it.

You start with 105sts for this section. If you dec at each end of the 3rd and the 3 foll 4th rows that’s 15 rows. Then you dec on the 26 foll alternate rows for 52 rows. So you will have worked 67 rows in order to complete the decreases.

The decreases are on rows 3,7,11,15 and then on the following 26 alternate rows. So there are 4+26=30 decrease rows. At 2sts decreased per row, that’s 60sts decreased, the difference between 105 and 45.

What is the name of your pattern?

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Thank you for your patience. So I don’t need to decrease 1 st at beginning and 1st at end as the psso and k2 tog are the decreases? I thought I had to add further decreases at each end as well as the psso and k2 tog on certain rows.

Ah, I see. No, the psso and the k2tog are all you have to work on the decrease rows. It’ll be 2 decreases per decrease row.
Have fun finishing up and come back if you have more questions!

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The pattern is Holborn by Martin storey.

Thank you so much! You have made my day :blush: xxxxxxx

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You’re very welcome. Lovely pattern!

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Hello. I am really pleased with the back! Thank you for your help with that. Can you please help me with this next part?

Join sections
Next row (RS): K across 26 sts of left side section,
turn and cast on 4 sts, turn and K across 45 sts of
centre section, turn and cast on 4 sts, turn and K across 26 sts of right side section. 105 sts.
Inc 1 st at each end of 4th and 3 foll
6th rows.
113 sts.
Work 7 rows, ending with RS facing for next row.

That’s wonderful! It’s going to be a lovely sweater.
The cast on part depends on the kind of cast on you want to do. For a few sts, a backward loop works ok. A cable or knit cast on are better, more finished cast ons but it’s really your preference.
The pattern says to turn after you’ve knit across the left side sts so that the needle with the left side sts is now in your left hand ready to cast on sts. It’s similar to this video.

Once the sts are cast on, take the needle back into your right hand and continue to knit across the center section. You’d repeat the same process for the cast on between the center and right side section.

The increases are at each end of row 4 and then rows 10,16 and 22.
Good luck with this joining section! And of course, if this isn’t clear, just come back and ask.

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Thank you. After casting on the 4st am I knitting to join the centre section to the left? What do I do with the yarn that was broken off from the centre section? You can tell I’m a complete newbie haha.

It is a lovely pattern, hope I can do it justice.

You’re are doing a terrific job here, especially as it’s not a simple pattern to work.
Yes, you can cut the yarn attached to the center section leaving about a 6" tail. You’ll weave that in later. Don’t worry if the join between sections seems a bit loose. It’ll firm up as you knit the succeeding rows. You can always pull gently on the yarn tail to firm up the join.

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Fantastic! Thank you :blush: xx