Whatcha' knitting? November, 2023

Aw, Halloween come and gone but the Jack-O-Lanterns still shine. Maybe anticipating the holidays?

Hope you and yours are wearing those handmade sweaters, scarves, hats and maybe even mittens. Are there more knit or crocheted items on your needles or hooks? Or do you have plans for future projects in mind? We’d love to hear about them and be inspired.

Meanwhile, last remembrance of Halloween:


On my needles.

I was gifted some yarn many months ago, sirdar snuggly in 4ply (fingering). It’s a lovely cashmere, merino, silk blend. Being gifted yarn by a non knitter means you don’t get to choose the colour or the amount - and non knitters vastly underestimate how much yarn it takes to make a top!
Anyway, after leaving it all these months it eventually told me it would like to be a stretchy striped base layer, a warm undershirt for the cold UK winter. 2x2 rib on 2.5mm needles.
No pattern, I’ve done the maths and now I’m just hoping I can finish without running out of yarn, I think I may be left with a few centimeters of the blue!
I will have another ball and a half of the red, but I really don’t want another stripe after the armholes so it’s yarn chicken time! Ha!

I won’t be around for a little while, going in for spine surgery in 2 days, but I’ll be back to finish this sweater and the crazy yarn spaghetti intarsia sweater I also have on the go. And I’ll be back to cheer on all my knitting friends here at the forum with all your lovely knitty creations too.
See you on the other side.


What a lovely gift to a wonderful knitter! Hope that you are back quickly after your surgery and we get to see this terrific stripey sweater.


Get well fast so you can enjoy your new base layer. I trust the surgery will do the trick.


Hope you recover quickly, the jumper looks great already! Can’t wait to see it finished!

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I hope the surgery is very successful for you. On my needles is a pair of socks for myself. I am using Knit Picks Stroll in the color Rhapsody. My husband is home from the rehab center after spending two weeks in The VA Hospital with sepsis . After getting out of hospital they sent him to rehab. He has lost some weight which is good for him.


Wishing your husband a speedy recovery too.

Lol I need something challenging.
I created a cable and lace blanket when I was 17.
Long ago.
It seems I begin knitting and gets boring.
I knit really good.
Not sure. Maybe I need a buddy knitter.
I was like I just wanted to do that one blanket and after that. Oh well.
I’ve done a few scarves since. Nothing major.

I was trying to answer someone’s question knitting classes. You practice a lot.
I began at 13 knitting and practice , practice.

You will not make a sweater your first go round. Do a simple scarf . I learned from my mom and sister.
Classes, I think 15 reasonable an hour for a small group. This will get you going.
Then after making a few scarves or booties. Hats.
Work up to the cable, lace and all the intricate stitches.
A blanket.

Yes salmonmac it is a lovely gift, the yarn is so soft and warm i am really loking forward to being cosy in it!

Thank you everyone for your kind words.
The surgery was a success, I am walking again. I feel very tall!
I’m back to knitting and purling, just finishing up the front of this sweater. Medication is still making my brain do weird things, I thought I’d be down to the last few cm of my yarn but it looks like I will have a whole ball left - so I have not worked that out very accurately at all, although better to have too much yarn rather than too little. Let’s see how my other maths worked out.


That’s terrific news. Thank you for letting us know. There is no stopping you now!

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I am so glad to read that your surgery was successful. Welcome back to the taller side of life.

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Thanks so much GG! Yes I’m loving the taller side of life! Still mostly laying down of course while I recover, and i have a lot of recovering to do, but I just had dinner sitting at the dinning table for the first time in almost a year! Wow!
Drinking from a cup without using a straw - double wow! Things taste different!

I’m soooooo glad I have my knitting on the needles to return to, this is a time for just picking up and knitting, not a time for starting a new project. Knitting has kept me half sane through all this, something to focus and meditate on, all my friends here too.


Be a good girl and do as you have been instructed and DO NOT overdo it. I don’t want to read that you screwed it all up. :wink: I like drinking over strawing any day of the week. Having the option again must be fantastic.


Fantastic news, Creations, what a wonderful way to start my Hong Kong morning, opening up the Forum after too long a break and reading this. xxx


Fantasic News Creations! Thhis month I am making my daghter and adopted daugter(was son’s Girfriend when he passed)) makeup bags as Christmas gifts.Also have knitted another pair of socks in KnitPicks Stroll color Dandelion, a bright yellow.


I finished these a few days ago and took a few minutes to explain toe up gusset fitting on the project page in case anyone’s interested in knowing about it.



Those are fantastic socks!

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Thanks. They make warm house sox. :smiley:

I finished this pattern. The arm part wasn’t easy. There were a lot of increasing and decreasing. It was hard to maintain the pattern at the same time. I had to undo the arm because there were mistakes. Also I keep binding off too tight and can’t get my head through.


This is so pretty. You’ve managed the shaping in pattern too. That’s a valuable technique for future knits as well.
You might try a different bind off or binding off with a one to two sizes larger needle in the right hand.

This is my favorite for 1x1 rib but it is fiddley (as in you need a quiet place with no distractions, like a closet).