Hello I’m new to this site but not to knitting however I’m stuck on the following line of the pattern:
Cast (bind) off 4 sts at beg of next and foll
0 alt rows, then 5 sts at beg of foll
3 \alt rows.

does this mean I bind off 4 stitches on the right side and then 5 on the wrong side? and then decrease five on the 3 alt rows (rs)?
I appreciate any clarification

Welcome to the forum!
What are you making and what is the name of your pattern?
Skip the direction that has a 0 for your size. The only direction that applies is to bind off 5sts at the the beginning of the following 3 alternate rows If you call the first of these rows, row 1 then bind off 5sts at the beginning of rows 1,3 and 5.

Thanks so much for your response. l had dowloaded a free pattern from love crafts for a baby bonnet. Their directions are very complicated.

Come back here if you run into another problem. We’re always happy to help around here. We’d love to see the finished bonnet too!

A post was split to a new topic: Cardigan rows