You have the knitting in hand but it seems to me that after the 7 pattern repeats end with the RS facing. Cast off 4sts work the (yrn twice, k3tog) to the last stitch, k1. You need the cast off here to decrease 4sts. K2tog twice will only dec 2sts and it won’t mirror the left side. Then:
WS row 2 Knit to the last 2sts, k2tog
RS row 3 P2tog, purl to the end.
Worked this way, the cast off and the decreases are on the same edge, the neck edge.
I would place to left front on a table in front of you and knit the right front to mirror the left. Make the increases at the same edge, work knit or purl rows to match the left front. It’s the best guide since, in the end you want the two sides to match as closely as possible.
The Left front has two extra rows after the decreases but before the pattern row (the row with the yrn twice k3tog) that aren’t in the Right front. Have you tried adding in an extra row on the Right front so that the following pattern row is a RS row and you’re closer to the Left front pattern?