Cardigan rows

Hi I’m Julie I am new to this site, I purchased a pattern online which the seller created herself, I have knitted the cap and am now doing a cardigan I have done the left front for the cardigan I have got to the right front neck shaping and as there is an extra row before the shaping on the right front it is throwing my pattern out

I have enclosed a picture of the pattern, could anyone give me help what to do next after the 7 complete patterns for right front have been worked.

Welcome to KnittingHelp!
Leave out the extra row or rows that is throwing the pattern off. You want to be able to start the right front shaping with the RS facing for the cast off of 4sts.
What is the name of the pattern and can you tell us the name of the seller please?

The name of the pattern is “Paige “ Loopi
I have already tried to omit the two extra rows the first and 2nd row of the shaping are ok as the pattern has a knit row on the purl side but it’s the last row purl to last 2sts, p2tog , that is a right side row
Even if I knit those stitches instead of purl the next row should be knit but it is on the wrong side along with the following rows

I have spent hours trying to jiggle the rows about whilst keeping the pattern correct ,

It seems to me that there is a problem in the decreases for the neck shaping even before you get to the following rows. On the right front when you cast off 4sts then work in pattern to the end of row and turn. The turn should be at the armhole edge. The next 2 rows (marked in blue, below) have decreases at the armhole edge rather than the neck edge.

On the left front which begins with the WS facing, the decreases are at the neck edge. Could that be contributing to the problem?

It’s a very sweet cardigan in a pretty stitch pattern.

It is a lovely pattern, the cap is beautiful the seller gave me a refund as she said she has knitted it several times and so have other people as it’s been in circulation for 15 years so basically I’m the one who has the problem knitting the cardigan and it’s not the pattern, the cap and left front were fine it’s just the right front neck shaping I’m having problems with, I did the pattern according to the instructions and I started getting what should be the back of the knitting in the right side of work and the stocking stitch on the wrong side of work :see_no_evil:

Do you think it would work if after I knitted the 7 rows of complete pattern
Then knit a row and on the purl row after p2tog then purl to the end and on the first row of the neck shaping cast off 4 stitches or would it be best 2 knit 2tog twice
Then do the 2nd row of neck shaping and omit the third row
And then work all the other rows?

You have the knitting in hand but it seems to me that after the 7 pattern repeats end with the RS facing. Cast off 4sts work the (yrn twice, k3tog) to the last stitch, k1. You need the cast off here to decrease 4sts. K2tog twice will only dec 2sts and it won’t mirror the left side. Then:
WS row 2 Knit to the last 2sts, k2tog
RS row 3 P2tog, purl to the end.
Worked this way, the cast off and the decreases are on the same edge, the neck edge.

I would place to left front on a table in front of you and knit the right front to mirror the left. Make the increases at the same edge, work knit or purl rows to match the left front. It’s the best guide since, in the end you want the two sides to match as closely as possible.

The Left front has two extra rows after the decreases but before the pattern row (the row with the yrn twice k3tog) that aren’t in the Right front. Have you tried adding in an extra row on the Right front so that the following pattern row is a RS row and you’re closer to the Left front pattern?

I have tried adding another row on the right front the problem is the 3rd row of neck shaping that is a purl row but it’s the right side of work, that is where the problem lies it is throwing the pattern out.
I’m not an experienced knitter so have tried many different ways and on the end asked the seller of the pattern didn’t get any joy so thought I would ask on here

I would purl a row across the WS, turn to the RS and and follow the pattern from then on:
Knit across the pattern row with the (yrn twice, k3tog).

It may not be exactly the mirror of the left front but the baby and family are going to love it!

Thank you I have managed to do it mirrored to the left, I worked the complete pattern rows then the knit and purl row then followed the shaping for the neck the first 2 rows then the 3rd row that should of been purl to last 2 sts, p2tog, I knitted 2together and knitted to end and the next row I did purl then I followed the remaining rows which were now all in order and the right is a mirrored version of the left.
Thank you for all your help x


Great to see that you have resolved this problem. It’s a real shame the seller wasnt more helpful but you can always get help here, salmonmac is great.

I hope you will post a photo of your finished cardigan.

I will post a photo when it’s all finished, thank you again for all your help x


Looking forward to seeing this little cardigan!

I can’t believe my luck I put yesterdays cardigan on hold as my friend asked if I could knit her daughter a cardigan,
I completed the first row of the left front you start off with 30 stitches the tow worked exactly to the 30 stitches , but once the row is completed you have 32 stitches on your needle but should only still have 30, I counted the stitches that would be knitted including yarn forwards and it totals 32 stitches.
It is a Sirdar pattern from Etsy

(upload://zSepxi8PSUhyJiQ5WPBSSJkzjyB.jpeg) ![IMG_5284|554x1200](upload://syVBveF5

I looked at the right front to see if there was a printing error but the right front first row is different to the left front the back first row is the same as the left front,
Have you any suggestions on how I can work the row to have the right amount of stitches
Thank you

When I count it up it works out to 30 sts:

K1 takes one stitch and leaves you with one

[(k2tog)x2 takes 4sts and leaves you with 2
(yfd, k1)x3 takes 3sts and leaves you with 6
yfd takes no sts and leaves you with 1
(sl, k1, psso)x2 ] takes 4sts and leaves you with 2
this repeat takes 11sts and leaves you with 11sts. It’s repeated twice so it leaves you with 22sts.

(k2tog)x2 (yfd, k1)x2, k1 takes 7sts and leaves you with 7

Please delete all but the first page of the pattern. We can’t post large portions of patterns due to designer copyright.


Yes the number of stitches worked on the first row are the exact 30 stitches but once you have worked the stitches the stitches you have on your needle including the yarn forward I haven’t counted the slip stitch obviously are
K1, k2tog twice is 3, yrwd K1 3 times is 6, yfwd K1 twice is 4, k2tog twice is 2 , yfwd K1 3 times is 6, yfwd K1 twice is 4 K2tog twice is 2 yfwd k1 twice is 4 K1 which totals 32 stitches I have done it 4 times with the same result 2 stitches over every time

Your extra stitches are coming from the bolded “yfwd K1 twice is 4” direction:
k2tog twice is 3,
yrwd K1 3 times is 6,
yfwd K1 twice is 4,
k2tog twice is 2 ,
yfwd K1 3 times is 6,
yfwd K1 twice is 4
K2tog twice is 2 yfwd
yfd k1 twice is 4
K1 which totals 32 stitches

The yfwd (circled) is only worked once. The (sl1, k1, psso) is in parentheses (red underline) and is worked twice but it doesn’t include the yarn over.

Aaaah thank you I knew it was going wrong somewhere, I was doing 2 yfrwds as well
Thank you for your help x

You’re welcome. Yes, since the yfwd is within the greater repeat that’s the 2 extra sts. Have fun with this cardigan!