Steeked Sweater 101

Since so many people either ask what a steek is or cringe at the thought of cutting one, I kept a running picture diary of this sweater.

I knit the sweater in the round up to the armhole. Then I put 7 stitches on a piece of yarn for the armhole and cast on 10 stitches for my steek. It was done by long tail cast on since I had two strands, and I alternated the color since steeks are usually done in alternating colors, I guess to keep them nice and tight.


This is a picture of the steek partially done, and the start of the neck steek. For the neck, I put 22 stitches on yarn and cast on another 10 steek stitches, and then just continued to knit in the round.

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Once the steeks were all done, I bound off the edges of the steeks and sewed them with the sewing machine, two stripes on each stitch with a space between to cut.

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Then I cut between the sewn stripes. The first picture is the body with the neck steek in place, then cutting, and then the shaped neck, all ready to be picked up and knit.

So I cut the armholes, and connected the shoulders with three needle bindoff. My FAVORITE finishing technique.

Three Needle Bind Off close up.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
I bow to your talent and your beautiful knitting!!

I bow as well. All hail Ingird

STOP! Before you get all goo-goo eyed. Just know that I forgot to shape the back neck. Too late now! So perfection is not mine. :rollseyes:

I don’t need kudos. I just wanted everyone to see that you don’t burst into flame if you cut knitting! :rofling:

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I had to look away when I saw those scissors so close to the knitting. I was feeling a little wooooozzzzyyy!
I’m better now! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Remember, we don’t make mistakes, we personalize! :angelgrin:

:thumbsup: I like the way you think!

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I like my steek very rare.

I’ve heard the term but I haven’t the foggiest what they are about. Why was it necessary? To increase a neck opening?? I am in awe, first that you can do it and second you can explain it!!

A steek is an extra set of stitches that you include in your pattern so you can continue working in the round all the way up your sweater. This way you don’t have to divide into front and back for sleeves or work the two sides of a neck separately.

When you’re done with your knitting, you cut open the steeks and you have armholes and the front of the neck all done.

Now I’ll pick up the stitches around the armholes and knit down to the cuffs.

Best part? No! Seaming! None! Nada! :cheering:


Looks great Ingrid! I do have to admit I had no clue what that was for and what the term meant, so when I saw the scissors near the knitting I will admit that my heart stopped for a sec. Go you!

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AHBUHHHHHH :shock: :?eyebrow:

Hi Ingrid,

This is the best instruction that I’ve seen on steeks. Thank you for sharing. Someday, perhaps, I’ll have the nerve to steek and hope that I can find this post again!

Your workmanship is incredible!

P.S. Wasn’t there some talk of you having a blog?

Thanks! I felt I kind of rushed through it–didn’t want to make it a TMI tutorial.

My blog is here–Grits Knits. My www is just pictures, down at the bottom here.

That’s awesome Ingrid! Wish you had done this a few weeks ago. :wink:

Silver, to be honest I don’t think I’d attempt a Norwegian steek–I just don’t have enough faith in my sewing skills. You, as I recall, insisted on it! :wink:

Ingrid, you’re absolutely amazing. I really don’t think I’d have the nerve to take a pair of scissors to something I had labored over. Maybe in my next life.