Hi I am new to the forum I need help with Bizy Fingers Pattern 0908 it is a 4 lines pattern but after casting off at armhole shaping i cannot knit the dec.sts and keep the pattern correct can anyone help me please and how do I receive an answer from you
Staying in pattern question
Welcome to KH!
You definitely want to keep the pattern aligned. You can look at the pattern directions and count off the sts that have been decreased then start the pattern from there. Some knitter like to write out the new pattern rows with these decreased sts deleted.
Another way to work this is to look at the pattern as established in previous rows and determine where to start the pattern row in order to keep the pattern lined up without a jog.
Do you have a link to the pattern so we can see a picture?
If there is a repeat across the row I find it helpful to put a marker on the needle where the next repeat starts. For instance if there is a 10 stitch repeat across the row, I would place a marker after the first 10 stitches, this would show me where the repeat starts again, or if I have bound off say 4 under the arm I can see I have 6 stitches left of the first repeat before reaching the marker. This helps me count backwards from the marker to work out how those 6 stitches need to be worked before reaching the marker. At the marker I know my repeat starts again.
It also helps when there are a few more shaping decreases to come on the following rows.
As salmonmac said, counting off, and maybe saying out loud, the number of stitches decreased and how they would have been worked can help in this. Making sure, as you name each stitch, you reach the end of the repeat instruction and the marker at the same time.
Don’t forget, after binding off here is a stitch already worked sitting on your right needle, this stitch has been used during the bind off but it has not been bound off. When figuring out what comes next you need to include that stitch.
You can just log in and see all your replies on the forum. Have a look around too, this is a friendly and helpful forum with lots of support. We also like to see what you’ve made if you like to share.
Thank you for replying so quickly unfortunately I do no know how to send a link
but will try using markers as you suggested over the weekend and let you know if I am successful
I am elderly, 89 years, and do know how to send photos
My regards
Vera Higgins
If you’d like you can copy and paste the link into a post.
There is a Busy Fingers website with patterns and yarn.
Give it a try and see if you can get it to work. You’re recognizing when you are out of alignment so that’s a good first step to figuring out how to be in alignment. Let us know how it goes.
Well done!
If you’re on the Left Front and you have just cast off 2sts for the armhole at the beginning of the row (the armhole edge), then you will have used 3sts for the cast off. Two sts are cast off and one stitch remains on the right hand needle.
For row 1 of the pattern that means you’ve used the initial K2 and the slip stitch so you can continue with the (k3, wyab sl1p) repeat.
For row 3 of the pattern you’ve used 3 of the initial k4 sts so you can continue with k1, wyab sl1p, and then the (k3, wyab sl1p) repeat.
See if that keeps you in pattern. It seems like a lovely stitch pattern.
Just in case we need the information, which size are you making, first, 2nd, 3rd, etc?
thanks you so much for replying so quickly I do appreciate your help I will try it over the weekend and let you know how it goes I am glad I sent you the photos I have never done it before thank, you thank you
Regards Vera H.
Hey, congratulations on posting a photo! With knitting we can try all sorts of new things and skills.
Let us know how you get on.
Hi everyone
Thank you for your help previously but I am stuck again
wyab yarn at back - ytf yarn to front - yarn to back - yfwd yarn forward
!st row RS - K2 wyab sl1P * K3 wyab rep.* last 2sts - K2
2nd row - K2sts ytf sl1P ytb * K3 ytf sl1P ytb rep.* last 2sts - K2
3rd row - K4 wyab sl1P * K3 wyab sl1P rep.* last 4sts - K4
4th row - K4 ytf sl1P ytb * K3 ytf sl1P ytb rep.* last 4sts - K4
These 4 rows form pattern
I have tried for 4 days to dec, sts without success Bizy Fingers pattern 0908 size 46cm / 18"
it is 4sts wide and 4 lines to pattern
I am knitting the back before starting Armhole Shaping I have 49sts on needle
Cast off 2 sts on next 2 rows
1st row - is 3rd row of pattern
Cast off 2sts K1 wyab sl1P * K3 wyab sl1P rep. * last 4sts - K4
2nd row - is 4th row of pattern
Keeping 4 rows of pattern correct
Dec. 1st each end of next row & every foll. 4th row until 35sts remain
work 1 row in pattern
Dec. 1st each end of next row * every foll. alt. row until 21sts remain
work 1 row straight in pattern
Cast off 21sts
I cannot keep pattern correct even trying to work out counting sts from end of row
my brain must not function as good as when I was younger 89 years
I would appreciate your help so much when you have the time to help me
Warmest regards
Vera Higgins
I hope you receive this email KnittingForum Community I joined using Safari and yo have replied to me in Safari to help me with my pattern andyou asked me to let you know how I got on I sent you a long email explaining my probem but Safari said they could not send it to you I typed it all out again on Chrome with forumknittinghelp.com and other titles as well but it says need recipient
you emailed me 19 Sept. 24 hopefully you receive this and reply to me saying how I can contact you
I had a problem at first sending you photos of Bizy Fingers pattern 0908 I am 89 years you replied “well done” when you received hoping you receive this email
Vera Higgins
Hi Vera, don’t worry, I’m getting your messages, they are posted on the website forum and everyone on the forum can read them and offer help and support.
I suggest you remove your email address from your email signature if you know how to do that (if not maybe you have a friend who can help you remove your email signature that is being automatically added to each email), because it is showing on a public forum and others can see it. There are spybots out there looking for email addresses, so best to keep it private… I think a moderator will help to remove it for you from your recent posts.
Although you might be replying via your email address it is a public forum open for everyone to read.
I did see your question about keeping in pattern and have been pondering how I can offer help.
I’ll be back.
thank you for replying so quickly did you get my email showing
4 rows wide and 4 line pattern and my problem from armhole shaping
it was possibly 12 lines?
I didn’t realise it was a public forum I thought I was only speaking to you
I am not sure how to remove my email signature but I will find out
Hello again,
People have various ways of workingnout how to stay in pattern through these shaping decreases, what works for one person may not be suitable for another.
Sometimes I draw myself a chart type thing and mark off the stitches as I decrease them.
I’ve used your pattern to give you an example of what I mean.
Instead “K3” I write, " K, K, K" so that when 1 of the stitches is bound off or decreased I can cross it off with a pencil.
I looked at how many stitches you have 49
Then how many are decreased in total 28
This is 14 each end and leaves 21 in the centre untouched. I did not write out these 21 stitches to save time, effort and space on my paper, but they are marked as 21 sts.
The 4 rows I have written out are your 4 rows.
I left out the yarn in front/back instructions because it would take up space and I know you can refer to your pattern for this.
I put in a little *at each repeat to help show where they are.
Once I have my chart I cross off any stitches I have bound off or decreased.
Your first bind off of 2sts is on row 3 of the pattern,
So I work row 3 and cross off 2 stitches at the beginning of row 3 on the chart.
These are the same 2 sts as the first 2sts of row 1 and they are the same 2 sts as the last 2 of the wrong side rows, rows 2 and 4, so I cross them off there.
After working each row cross off the stitch that has gone.
One more thing to remember, when you bind off 2 stitches you use up stitch 3, it is not bound off but it is already worked and is on the right needle. Take this into account when reading your chart.
See if this helps.
If it makes you even more confused just ignore it, it may not be the right method for you.
Thank you so much for taking the time to work out and help me to understand my
pattern I understand what you are meaning and I certainly will try to do what you
have explained
I appreciate your help
I will not be able to knit until the weekend but hopefully I will succeed in knitting the
I will let you know when I knit it
You’re very welcome, and do let us know how it goes.
Hi Creations
I am so sorry to ask you again for your help again yesterday you sent me descriptions of how you work out your cast off and decreases. I used Safari to send my emails to you and you replied each time on Safari. Unfortunately when I clicked on today to this email it said “Safari cannot open this page as it does not have a secure connection to this server” I clicked on Chrome to you but it only showed a page about activities and badges
when you have time could you email me again your solution
Vera27, The best way to ask about this question is to post here on the forum rather than through email. That way the replies are available to everyone. You are honestly among many who struggle with the same question. The replies will help others in the knitting community. So do continue to post on the forum please.
Hi Mod Squad
How do I post my question to the Forum? can you help me as I have never done this before
Exactly what you are doing now is posting your replies to the forum. Just keep using the Reply button at the end of your message or at the bottom of the line of posts.
It’s a very good question and Creations is giving you a good option for keeping in pattern.