Sirdar 1802

I’m knitting a baby jacket and I’ve run into problems. I’ve knitted back and left front. Then started right fron5 but when I come to shape armholes I can’t seem to follow pattern. The pattern is all mixed up. Any help very much appreciated


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Is it decreasing for the armholes that’s causing the problem or something else? You can quote a few rows of the pattern but not a large portion of it due to copyrights.

Thanks for getting back to me. I’ve completed the back and the left front and managed the pattern and the shaping of armholes. When I started the right front and got to the shaping of the armholes and followed the instructions the pattern wouldn’t work. Just wondering is it me or a mistake in pattern

Row 1 k1, P1,*k3, p1, rep from *to last 2 k2tog

Row 2 k 2tog k1,p1, *k3, p1 to last 3 sts. k3

Those two rows set 3rd pattern

Cant get pattern going to match one on back and left front.

Any help really appreciated.



That should work. The decreases are going to eat into the pattern repeat at the armhole. If there are more decreases, you may have to give up a pattern repeat at that edge.
I tried it and I can see the pattern. It may help to check with the right side or wrong side row as you knit to make sure that the columns of knit sts stay aligned. I peeked over the needle to check this every so often.

Thanks for your prompt reply. What exactly is pattern. Is it from * to end. I got armholes shaped and my stitches down to 19 and continued as directed but pattern looked looked like garter stitch.
I did K1P1 and k3 p1 to end

And row 2 as directed but I’m doing something wrong and can’t get it. I feel ridiculous as I had no problem with back and left side


Yes, the pattern stitch is the K3, p1 repeat. It’s offset on row 2. It should look like this if I’m seeing the photo of the cardigan correctly.
There should be a column of Vs on right side and wrong side. Is that what you see on the back and left front?

When you worked the K1P1 and then the k3p1 to the end, did you start the row with a k2tog?
Row 2 k 2tog k1,p1, *k3, p1 to last 3 sts. k3

Thanks a mill. You are so kind and generous with your time. I’ll have another bash and she how it goes. By the way what did you mean by offset on row 2 ?

Again many thanks


The k3, p1 repeats aren’t going to be stack one on top of the other. They’ll be offset so that you have garter stitch between single stitch columns of stockinette stitch.
If you look at the right front you should see what I mean. There are vertical column of Vs on one side with garter stitch between.
Give it a try, watching the stitches and see how it goes.

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Thanks a mill. You are so kind and generous with your time. I’ll have another bash and she how it goes. By the way what did you mean by

Did you get a solution for this? I am experiencing the same thing and also with the sleeves. I have followed the pattern to the “T” Only started with right front. HELP


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Is the problem at the sleeve cap or at the start of the sleeve cuff?

Mod Squad

    January 9


Textured Cardigans 1802 pattern by Sirdar

These cardigans designed in Sirdar Snuggly Baby Bamboo DK are knit flat in separate pieces then seamed together. The different stitch textures, neckline options, and sleeve lengths make them wardrobe favorites.

Price: USD 5.00

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Is the problem at the sleeve cap or at the start of the sleeve cuff?

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In Reply To


    January 9

Did you get a solution for this? I am experiencing the same thing and also with the sleeves. I have followed the pattern to the “T” Only started with right front. HELP Maggie

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3rd pattern…from armhole edge for right side

Back and left front okay.

The pattern at the yoke, above the armhole bind off looks like mistake rib. It will take a few rows for it to look like anything other than a mistake. Then you should see a distinct column of knit sts on RS and WS.

You can quote a few rows of the pattern stitch to be sure if you think it will help.

Many thanks for your replies. I keep knitting up 3 or 4 rows and the purl column is showing as a mistake…purl on the right side… then take it back out and start again…are you suggesting I keep going and this will correct itself? Why was it not a problem on back and left front…should I reverse those instructions for right front. So confused and I’m an experienced knitter. I think you are right somehow…but I’m not seeing it.


Dont see it on back or left front…just right front seems problematic. Any further ideas or instruction? Much appreciated.


If the pattern isn’t right I don’t think it will correct itself. What I meant was that the pattern really doesn’t show until you’ve worked a few rows. That said there are several complaints on Ravelry about errors in the pattern especially pattern 3 and the sleeves. I haven’t found very specific corrections however. For example:

There should be a column of Vs (knits) and a column of bumps (purls). In between these columns are columns of knit, purl, knit, purl sts.
Do you have an odd number of sts for this front?

You may be able to work it by following the video I linked to. These are the written directions:
Cast on: Multiple of 4 sts plus 3

  • Row 1: *k2, p2; rep from *, end k2, p1.

Repeat row 1 until you have reached your desired length.

Does that sound like your directions? The other possibility is to use the back or the left front as a guide?

Yes I understand…I went far enough to be sure the pattern as written wont work…baffled. it’s a p1 k3 repeat.I’ll check the pattern again considering your comments and get back with results.

Many thanks


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Many thanks for your help!!
Hope this helps understanding. Sleeves are not right either - hoping this is something simple that I am not seeing.

Pattern information as follows

Right front c/o 24 sts decrease at armhole edge = 19 sts to neck shaping

Here is the 3rd pattern at Shape Armhole for right side :

K1,P1,* k3,p1, rep from *k2tog armhole edge = 23 sts
K2tog 1 time, k1, p1,*k3, p1 from *= 22 sts

Note: Purl stich on right and wrong side for the rib row “v” pattern?

These two rows set the pattern

Work 3 more rows decreasing 1 st at armhole edge in every row = 19 sts
Continue without shaping…

Left front (which seems to be correct) 24 stitches
Armhole Edge
K2tog,*p1,k3 rep from * to last 2 stitches, p1, k1 = 23 sts
K3,*p1,k3 repeat from * to last 4 stsp1,k1,k2tog 1 time = 22 sts

Many thanks,

Just reviewing number of stitches as per your comment:

c/o 49 sts - working with odd number of stitches at decrease ( 47, 45…39) for 3rd pattern
Left side
c/o 24 sts - working with odd number after 1st decrease 23 - 19 sts
Right Side
c/o 24 sts - working with odd numbers after 1st decrease 23-19 sts

Sleeves ( both alike) - 31 sts - working with odd numbers 31 to 39( then decreases back to 31 sts)

Hope this helps.

OK, just to be sure I understand. You have 24sts before the bind off at the armhole edge. Bind off 5sts leaving you with 19 to work pattern 3. Or does pattern 3 start before the armhole bind off? Or ?

There’s also this helpful comment from a project. Apparently there is a problem with the pattern for section 3. See the two different versions of the pattern stitch that is linked to in this post.