My blog

Few things about me:

Hi, I’m Elizabeth.
I knit ‘English’ style and I even Crochet. I can even knit in the car. My bother drives me to work and that’s when I knit.
I’m right handed.
I live in the USA. In Georgia. I was born in Illinois.
I work at a vet. I clean things.

I just found out that there is something wrong with my cat’s back. The vet took x-rays. I have 12 cats, 9 dogs, and 10 chickens. I’m going to be knitting something for one of my dogs. :cry:

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:passedout: That’s a lot of pets!! Do you live on a farm or someplace with lots of land and a big house?

I hope you kitty will be okay.:hug:

Me and my falimy have 5 acres.

Sweet! So you can have all the pets you want! Our house is on 1/6th of an acre…so the lot is 60x100. TINY!! :teehee:

My cat’s getting batter.

Hi, Camila. :waving: Glad the kitty gettin’ better. I have 2 cats myself-Fluff and Patches.

Welcome to the blogs! :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone.
I was making a tape the other day, about how pony’s knit. The My little pony’s. It was funny. I said they knit with their foots. Then I said. “You mean hooves.” :roflhard: You would have to hear it to understand.

I Crochet an octopus today. It’s was easy. Did you know I have a tiwn? No, we dodn’t look alike.

I just found out that my cat has a staff infarction. :waah: He can die form it.

Oh, poor kitty!:hug:

I know and I thought he was batter.

I’m going to be spaneding as much time with him as I can. I may just sit there and kint or talk to him.

My twin sister lost her cat. We’ve been looking every where for the cat.

The dogs bite her and she ran out the door. < The cat.


And it’s raining.

:muah: I felling much batter. I haven’t been knitting a lot but I’m way to busy. Merry x-mas every one.

Merry Christmas!

Thank you.

I hope you all had a good X-Mas. XD I’m going to be knitting on January
for X-Mas present. I know it early but I want a head start. :muah:

Thanks! We did and hope you did, too. Starting already?!:zombie: Wow, good for you! Must be something large then?