Knit-wise yarn kits

I’ve been having trouble figuring out what to knit with the random yarn shipments I get from Knit-Wise. Does anyone have the same problem? Any suggestions. It is hard to figure out what to make with a skein or two yarn with no pattern suggestions.

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Is this a monthly yarn subscription? What kinds of yarn are you wondering how to use? All I can think of is to look on Ravelry and enter how much yarn you have to see if you find something to make.

A post was split to a new topic: Ravelry’s “in stash”

Yes, it is a monthly subscription. On Ravelry you can search to find a yarn and then patterns. None of the yarn I get in the shipments comes up on Ravelry or search. All I can do it search by recommended needle size and yardage. Every month I get a random box, sometimes sport to bulky weights. I get 1 or 2 skeins in shipment, so I’m been making a lot of hats.

There are some stash guster groups on ravelry, maybe some ideas on there you might like?

Granny square sweaters or cardigans are very popular at the moment (crochet or knit squares of different colours and textures), depends if you like those.

Equally sample square blankets can be beautiful - varying weight yarns can be used so long as you work out stitch count based on gauge to make each square roughly the same size.

Baby clothes and blankets, maybe putting 2 yarns together to make a design element.

There are some designs for sweaters which use up various yarn bits, maybe something like that could work where you just use whatever arrives?

I’m surprised they don’t offer some patterns with these yarns.