Hello dear people,
I’m super new to knitting and am working on my first project at the moment - this 1940s sweater from Subversive Femme. It has been a (fun) learning curve! Currently working on the front. I’m about to start the 2nd part of the divided neck, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to continue. The following part is giving me trouble:
“Work right side. Join wool at centre-front edge of remaining sts., cast on 18 for facing.”
First off, I’ve never joined yarn without using an existing tail before, and this current piece has no tail (that’s all the way up on the already finished side of the neck). How do I join yarn at the centre-front edge and instantly cast on 18 stitches? And is there any particular technique I should use to cast on here?
On a smaller note, the sentence directly after: “1st row. – Work 27 in st. 2, work to end.” St. 2 is stockinette, which is fine, but does “work to end” mean I should just follow what I have on my needle right now, and rib the ribbing and stockinette the stockinette parts?
Thanks in advance!