How to use this forum

Welcome to “What’cha Knittin’”!! :waving:

This forum allows us to provide project inspiration to other knitters, while at the same time receive LOTS of kudos for the AWESOME work we all do…

Here are some guidelines that will help us all get the most out of this forum:

Post each of your FOs (“Finished Objects”) or WIPs (“Work in Progress”) in its own thread. Include that designation in the Subject line of the thread (Example: “FO - Husband Cozy!”)

Include all the information you possibly can about your piece…link to the pattern if you can or tell us the name of the book in which we can find it, tell us what yarn you have used, etc., etc., etc.!

If there’s anything you think I have left out, please post your question below, and Ill add it!


thanks KK!!!

Great idea, Kelly! Shouldn’t this be stickied to the top though? :wink:

You are MOST welcome!! :heart:

It will be stickied as soon as the Moderator functions for this forum are enabled.

1 Like

This is very cool. Thanks for doing this. :heart:

Bump, sorry I didn’t read this first, I posted a “bunch” of FOs, although the pics were all on my webpage. :slight_smile:

:roflhard: :roflhard:

Ah ha! Another project for which I can get lots and lots of yarn…and, since it’s not for ME, then I don’t have to feel guilty!

Got a pattern for that husband cozy, Kelly?

She does! It’s called a [size=2]willie warmer[/size][size=3][/size] :rofling:

:roflhard: :roflhard:

Guess that doesn’t require as much yarn as I’d hoped…

:roflhard: :roflhard: :roflhard: You’re a pip!!

:eyebrow: Did you REALLY expect me to post ANYTHING without injecting a smidgen of KellyK Humor?? :roflhard:

Great Idea KK! I love to look at everyone’s WIPs and FOs–however I always seem to do more ripping out than taking lovely shots of FOs!

I did finish my grandson’s red hat–with Red Heart worsted and sz. 8 needles, and another pair of socks. The socks pattern is in 'The Knitter’s Handy book of Patterns 'by Ann Budd, in Superwash Sockotta, I think,-self-patterning black and white thread. It was on sz. 2 bamboos, which I love to work with. It just about ruined my eyesight for good!

SO I do have 2 FOs!!

And my WIPs are a scarf for my SisIL’s Christmas–in Plush Eggplant and Pistachio stripes on size 7’s. Also have just started another pair of socks on Sz 2 bamboo dps with a self patterning Regia in Patriotic colors.

bump I was looking for this…

where did you get the Turkey Costume for your Chi, KK?

Kelly’s “Turkahuahua” costume isn’t her own, she found the pic somewhere else! Looks like Howie, but it’s some other chihuahua in the get-up. :lol:

I just have to say YIPPEEE, I’m SOOOOOO glad I finally decided to make this it’s own forum. It’s so much easier to respond to individual posts! Thanks to all y’all who kept at me to make this its own forum category! :heart:

can I ask, so when we are working on something we start a thread for it individually and when we finish an object we start a thread individually? Just checking cause we could have like 500 threads in no time if everyone has wip and gets stuck and goes onto something else like i do and then end up buying more needles cause i have needles hanging on items. opps too much info.

That’s a good question! What if you post a WIP & then change the name of the thread to “Knitted thing…NOW FO!” when its done? Feedback? Anyone? Anyone? Buehler???

Sounds like a good idea to me, KK! :thumbsup:

I’d like to show off this wonderful patterned piece I just completed. It took a while to get started. Long story if you’ve gotta a minute.
Went to the cafe to pick up a stiche, brought it home and it made me itch. Tried to complete it but it didnt look finished so I pulled it apart and ate alot of spinach. I picked a new pattern that seemed ohh so delightful and thought it would fit but it become unsightful. So I pulled it, unknotted and finally arrived at the origin of the yarn and to my surprise begun the next project that I just completed. Sew, here it is and hope it feels warm ,when put on it is certain to warm. Its a dlightful little number that I thought would be fine. :XX:

I’d like to show off this wonderful patterned piece I just completed. It took a while to get started. Long story if you’ve gotta a minute.
Went to the cafe to pick up a stiche, brought it home and it made me itch. Tried to complete it but it didnt look finished so I pulled it apart and ate alot of spinach. I picked a new pattern that seemed ohh so delightful and thought it would fit but it become unsightful. So I pulled it, unknotted and finally arrived at the origin of the yarn and to my surprise begun the next project that I just completed. Sew, here it is and hope it feels warm ,when put on it is certain to warm. Its a dlightful little number that I thought would be fine. :XX: