How to post your questions

Suggestions to help this forum run its best…

[B]Be as specific as possible in your title[/B]
[I]examples: what is k2tog? joining a new colour? best Bind Off for lace?[/I]
This makes it easier for others with the same question later to find the answer. Also helps us to recognize if we’ve already read your post. Easier for us than general titles like “Help, what do I do?”

[B]Provide any helpful info about your project.[/B]
[I]examples: guage, yarn used, needle size, a link to the pattern or name of the magazine, a picture of your work in progress[/I]
These are often useful or necessary to answer your Q. Remember not to quote a pattern in its entirity, however, since that violates copyright. Thanks!

[B]Don’t put yourself down[/B]
examples: silly question, stupid problem, I’m dumb
We do not believe any question is silly, dumb, or stupid. We all need help sometimes, and folks here love being helpful, so ask away! :slight_smile:

Please use a link to the pattern when possible. If you own the pattern do not post the entire pattern, just the part that you need help with.

[I]Other suggestions when needing some guidance:[/I]

  • try using our search link (it’s at the top of the page with the magnifying glass icon)
  • try to contact the writer of the pattern or the website/magazine presenting the pattern
  • see if you can get someone to help you in person from a local knitting group or a store that carries yarn

thanks for the guidelines, Beldie!

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Bump!! :mrgreen:

OK … I finally have to ask … after all these months …
What does bump mean???


When a topic gets too far down the list and you want to bring it to everyone’s attention again, you bump it so it reposts.

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[color=blueviolet]Theses are great guidelines and this thread should be made sticky. Great Job![/color]

Thanks Ingrid … That makes perfect sense!

Good ideas beldie, can you make this thread sticky?

Oh, Beldie, I’m so glad you mentioned the fact that there’s no such thing as a dumb question and that no one should consider themselves “silly” or “dumb,” etc. if he/she doesn’t “get it”…Great Guidelines, my friend :cheering: :cheering:

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Great suggestions Beld! :heart:
It’s now a sticky. :wink:

Hi All! :waving:
I’m new to knitting AND to forums. Can you explain bump and sticky for me? Thanks

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When a post isn’t responded to in a while, and you feel it needs attention, you can bring it back to the top of the list with a bump. It will go to the top of the new posts.

A sticky is a post that doesn’t move down the list when new posts are added. It stays at the top of the list.


Ingrid, Thanks! Makes sense to me! :smiley:

hello, i have made lots of scarves, would like to learn how to make a very SIMPLE pair of slippers for my husband, don’t know how to do that, any patterns one can suggest? I am such a beginner that it frustrates me, as I have such a hard time figuring out the instructions. thank you very much for any feedback.

I have a poncho pattern in which I am knitting and purling in the round. I have been told that after a certain number of stitches I ought to sort of catch the yarn in a loop. I know how to do this while knitting and it fastens it in and keeps it from being loose, but how do I do this when I purl?

Help, I can’t seem to get the videos to go past a certain point when trying to view them. I could use some help. I have tried to download them via instruction’s on the main page, but I still only get half of the video and it will hang up and not finish playing.

I would appreciate it if someone could help me with this matter.

Thanks so very much for all reply’s.


I cannot seem to figure out how to post a question. I have searched but to no avail. I registered last week and have read this thread, but I just don’t get it. I am tempted to mention that this is probably a question with a very simple answer, but that sounds like a sneaky way of saying, “This is a dumb question.”



I thought this bears repeating…

Suggestions to help this forum run its best…

[COLOR=Red][B]Be as specific as possible in your title[/B][/COLOR]
[I]examples: what is k2tog? joining a new colour? best Bind Off for lace?[/I]
This makes it easier for others with the same question later to find the answer. Also helps us to recognize if we’ve already read your post. Easier for us than general titles like “Help, what do I do?”

[COLOR=Red][B]Provide any helpful info about your project.[/B][/COLOR]
[I]examples: guage, yarn used, needle size, a link to the pattern or name of the magazine, a picture of your work in progress[/I]
These are often useful or necessary to answer your Q. Remember not to quote a pattern in its entirity, however, since that violates copyright. Thanks!

[COLOR=Red][B]Don’t put yourself down[/B][/COLOR]
examples: silly question, stupid problem, I’m dumb
We do not believe any question is silly, dumb, or stupid. We all need help sometimes, and folks here love being helpful, so ask away! :slight_smile:

Please use a link to the pattern when possible. If you own the pattern do not post the entire pattern, just the part that you need help with.

[I]Other suggestions when needing some guidance:[/I]

  • try using our search link (it’s at the top of the page with the magnifying glass icon)
  • try to contact the writer of the pattern or the website/magazine presenting the pattern
  • see if you can get someone to help you in person from a local knitting group or a store that carries yarn

A post was split to a new topic: How do I do this stitch?