this is my first attempt at a cardigan. i am now at stage all pieces have been made and i think i am now to add the ribbing around the cardigan including button-holes but can’t make sense of pattern, can someone help me pls i would be truely grateful and haven’t been able to find a post nor video to explain. Left front border is where i am stuck on the attached
help deciphering mens cardigan pattern pls- left front border
You’re going to be picking up sts for the front border. Pick up in two sections, one along the left side of the cardigan and one along the right side. The pattern gives you the number of sts to pick up in each section, the cast off for the back, the top of the left sleeve, the shaped edge (that’s the V) and the straight section down the front.
Here’s a video for picking up sts that may help:
Congrats on the first cardigan! You’ve done well so far. May there be many more in the future for you.
thank you for your answer, so now i know how to knit the stitches on completed work, could i trouble you for a bit more info pls? where it says with rs facing starting at centre back of neck - is it referring to the back section pick up and knit 10sts ; then 14 sts from the top of the sleeve…?
Yes, that’s it exactly. You’ll start at the center back with a pick up of 10sts, then continue picking up 14 from the top of the sleeve and so on along the shaped V and the straight portion of the front. For the larger number of picked up sts, it helps to place markers at the 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 points so that you can keep on track, picking up about 1/4 of the sts in each of the sections.
It all works amazingly well considering that you’re skipping a row here or there and not picking up in every stitch or row end.
Congratulations on making your first cardigan.
Your username is funny, is it a reference to this cardigan?
You will be able to complete it now because there is lots of help here no matter how many bits you get stuck on. I’ve had lots of help and I try to help out when I can.
Cheering you on as you work your button band.
thank you both for your information and encouragement. yes the user name is reference to this project. have picked up knitting after quite a number of years. thought something this plain couldn’t be too difficult - how wrong was i
thanks re tips about markers - i’d seen that re something else so will make sure i do that
will come back on to let you know how i got on, THANK YOU, feel much more confident about getting to the finish line now with this. have already brought wool for my next project, so bound to be on the forum again sometime in the future looking for further answers to questions maybe that others have already posted bw
apologies for delay in replying. i did finally finish my cardigan and have now embarked on another - why !! i am enjoying it really and it occupies my time whilst watching tv, though my partner would say it isn’'t very relaxing with the blue air surrounding me. but hopefully as i get more practise i will start to enjoy it - thank you for your encouragement and info xx
Yes, knitting is a great stress reliever and relaxation technique, just not while you’re learning. There’s so much concentration going on that it’s not easy to relax at first but that will happen.
As long as you love it, you’re on your way!
i am stuck on the border and it was encouraging to know that you successfully completed to cardigan. My issue is that the pattern doesn’t even state anything about buttonholes but it clearly has them in the picture.
Sirdar 4335
Wow, that’s a real mistake. You’ve read through to the end including Finishing and no mention of buttonholes? Hmmm.
No one on ravelry mentions lack of button hole info. Although there are other a few projects one person has made quite a few notes but not about button holes. Could it be hidden somewhere?
It’s actually there in the cast offs on the Border directions. See post #121 here
Has anyone on here completed this cardigan?
I am trying to start the border and I have marked out smaller sections.
However, I cannot see any indication of where/ how to put the button holes in.
They are there. Its the cast off and cast on - it leaves a hole for the button.
Have you seamed your raglan seams yet?
Since you’re sweater body is shorter than the directions plan for you will need to adjust the postion of the buttonholes (the cast offs and cast ons). Place pins or markers spaced as you would like the buttonholes and then work the cast offs at those spots rather than following the pattern stitches. The cast ons are easier since you’ll just cast on when you come to the gap created by the cast off.
Shall i delete the other post?
You’re fine. Don’t worry about deleting.
But one request: We would love to see a photo of the cardigan when you finish!
Yes of course.
I’ve sewn the raglan seams.
I have no one to give it to as I don’t know anyone this age. I help out with packing things for Ukraine and I was initially thinking of sending it off there. However, I will keep it as it has done mistakes in. I will do another one for them.
Crocheting is so much easier but I am loving the challenge.
Still haven’t got round to starting the border.
There is a shadow on the right not a stain.
That’s a very thoughtful gift for Ukraine which will be appreciated I’m sure. I can’t see mistakes at all just a lovely sweater.