Going skiing this weekend.. HELP! Advice?

I have lived my whole 35 years in Florida. While I am totally excited to be seeing REAL snow this weekend, I haven’t a clue how to prepare for it.

DH has planned a quickie ski trip for this weekend. Seriously, a quickie. We’re driving up to Cincinatti on Friday (staying with friends), going skiing at Perfect North in Indiana on Saturday and Sunday (it’s about a half hour away from our friend’s house) and driving home on Sunday. :eyebrow2: Yes, I know my husband is a little crazy, but ya gotta love his enthusiasm. :heart: And we can DO roadtrips (we’ve driven to both Canada and the Grand Canyon on other roadtrips.) :slight_smile:

I’m assuming (or hoping rather) that we can rent ski clothes and equipment there (or near by). We have thermal underwear, coats, hats etc, and everyone has good weather boots but me, but I’ll fix that this week.

I don’t think that I’LL be doing much actual skiing, instead I’ll be quite content WATCHING from the sidelines as I do some knitting. But I want to make sure the kids are prepared (they’re 13 & 16).

Anyway, I am the type of person that plans for everything before the trip, DH is kinda a “lets-go-and-see-what-happens” person. While I’m not OCD about it, I just want to have some idea of what we’re getting into and plan for whatever I can before we go.

If you have any advice, info or otherwise helpful stuff to add, please do.

My advice, do not wear jeans on the ski slopes. You will fall, get wet and leave a big blue mark on the slopes. Don’t ask me how I know. :roflhard:

Have any of you gone skiing before? If not, the “Learn to Turn” package might be your best bet. It gives you a lift ticket, group beginner lesson, and equiptment rental, generally at a little lower cost than purchasing those things seperately. Although I didn’t add up their rates to be sure.

You might google and see if there are any coupons out there for lift tickets.

While ski areas rent equiptment, many do not rent snow clothing. They probably won’t have goggles for rent, although likely they will have them for sale. Some have helmets for rent now, some don’t. Maybe call the resort and see what they rent?

You can probably count on your choice of skis or snowboard, ski boots or snowboard boots, poles. Helmets vary by resort.

Ski clothing can be as simple as thin nylon water proof pants and coat over layers, with a hat and gloves, or as nice as a snowsuit with hat and gloves. Warm socks are a good idea also, but hopefully you have that covered :slight_smile:

Unfortunately it’s probably too late to do some ebay shopping for these, and I wouldn’t count on your thrift stores having a lot of this stuff. I’m not sure about areas you are traveling through. You might see if you can borrow from someone or if your friends can. Ski clothes at the resorts are often VERY pricey!

Edited to add: As a last resort, I have picked up the slick nylon athletic pants at Target and used them over warm clothes when I didn’t have my ski clothes with me. However, I did this in a dry snow climate, not a wet one.

Your friends might give you good advice on the weather and snow type. If it’s wet snow, staying dry is paramount. Dry snow, it’s not as big a deal.

If it’s sunny, they will need sunglasses, and if it’s snowing, they will need goggles to keep the snow out of their eyes.

Be aware that the glare off the snow can really burn. Even those who have tans. You are up higher in the atmosphere (so less protection from the UV) plus have the added reflection. So if you have anyone with at all sensitive skin, go prepared, and do protect the eyes.

Layers are good because you can start out cold, but once moving around a lot, get warm fast.

Sking is hungry business. So take extra snacks and warm food or funds to buy on the mountain.

If you have family band radios, they are great to have on the mountain to keep in touch and call in the troops if needed.

Have fun!

Mama Bear

One more thing… I hate to have to say this, but they need to keep a close eye, hand, on their things. Goggles, hats, gloves, purses, etc can disappear quickly, especially at resorts that cater to the teen crowds.
Mama Bear

:thumbsup: OOOO Silver yer gonna have a ball!!!
My dd is going snowboarding up I think at winterpark for the next 6 sundays. They have packages where they rent you everything from gloves to boots and everything in between. They also rent helmets too. And of course the boards or skis whichever.
Two of my Daughters live up in Ft. Collins Co and they go as often as they can. I think they go to A-basin. They just have their regular clothes and a subtantial jacket and shoes. Most of the time you’ll be in your boots anyway so you don’t really have to invest in some omg expensive snow boots, cause you’ll be wearing you ski or board boots around. And you rent those.
I guess the biggest thing is. Just enjoy yerself, hava a ball, run n play in the snow… be a kid again LOL!!! HAVE FUN!!!:clink: And drink lot’s of hot toddies or whatever the thing is this day n age. ooo ooo ooo I know hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps, yummmmmm!!!:thumbsup:

I’ve only been skiing a couple times myself, but I like wearing comfy winter clothes underneath a nice pair of ski bibs. My family got some good ones for a reasonable price at Burlington Coat Factory.
And of course make sure you have access to hot chocolate after you’re done skiing :wink:

Thanks so much for all the info, especially you Mama Bear!! Good stuff to know. I’m fairly certain our friends have some stuff we can borrow, they’re good, good family friends, practically my DH’s second parents and have known us since we were teenagers. And they’ll undoubtedly have lots of help and advice for us when we get there. But being the mom, I have to be prepared before I’m prepared. LOL

Being from FL, it’s unlikely I’ll find much in the way of ski clothes around town, but I’m going to look. Heck, if I do find some things we can use at a thrift shop or consinment shop, they’ll probably be cheap since there’s not much in the way of slopes around here. :teehee:

I am super excited, and a bit nervous. :help: I just have visions of us coming back home in casts and bandages since we have no idea what we’re doing. Yes, I am a worrier. LOL But Perfect North Slopes has great reviews and I hear the staff is really nice and helpful. I will be sure to let them know we’re NOOBS from Florida. :roflhard:

My other tidbit of advice as a Floridian is to pick something mellow the next day to do besides skiing again. After skiing for a day, the next day every ounce of sinew in you will hurt with a mighty force you have not experienced unless you are a fitness trainer. Who would think sliding down a hill with sticks strapped to your legs would exert so much energy and use up so many muscles. :roflhard:

:teehee: I would suggest extra padding in the bum area…my first ski trip that is basically where I stayed and it hurt falling on that snow over and over :rofl:

You guys will have a blast!! Layers are the best… and usually the places you go have a little area to eat and get warm if you need to…:woot:

My fiance and I just decided to go skiing for our honeymoon, because I haven’t been in 7 years and he never has! You will love it, so much - high on a mountain, when the snow is falling, there’s this peace and silence that I have never matched anywhere else in my whole life. It’s one of life’s beautiful experiences. It’s also quite funny and exhausting and scary, but worth it …

Make sure you take a long, hot bath at the end of the day - it works every single one of your muscles, even the ones you didn’t know you had. It’s a little late now, but do some squats, and that sitting against a wall without a seat exercise - those are the muscles you’ll need the most.

Otherwise, just take it slowly and don’t be afraid to take risks - you won’t want to do it on your first trip, but I spent years being the ‘careful’ skier, only green runs and no risks, always slow. Then I got a fantastic ski instructor who made me push the boundaries, and the sense of exhilaration and achievement, of power, is mindblowing. Oh, and try not to brace yourself when you fall (which you will) - holding yourself rigid causes more damage.

Have a great time, I’m intensely jealous! :slight_smile:

Fi xxx

I can imagine we’ll all be sore on Sunday. We’ll be driving back and forth from our friend’s place so we can stay there on Sunday if we must. But I really don’t expect DH to want to “take it easy” the next day since it’ll be our last day, but the option is there if we need it.

Ahem… I have plenty of extra padding in the bum area on my own. :teehee:

I thought I was taking a risk by just going skiing in the first place. LOL If you’re suggesting that I might be found on something other than the “bunny” slopes, you’re cra-zee. :noway: The kids, I’ll keep them on the beginner slopes as long as possible, or the tubing area. And the DH? I expect him to be on the expert slope by the end of the trip!! :help:

Ah yes, the macho man syndrome. Mine went something like this “Dude, I’m going to the lounge to warm up and get some cocoa. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOt go on the black diamond slopes!” Hubby: “ok, Im doing really well though so I might go on a more advanced slope.” Me: “do not”. Hubby: “ok”.
Thirty minutes later he comes into the lounge pail as a ghost. I knew something was wrong. He had gone on the black diamond, went head over heels after someone pulled in front of him and had a complete acromio claviculor separation. :hair:

Skiing is a lot of fun and I second the suggestion to get the learn to ski package. Unless the snow is blowing you most likely don’t need to worry about goggles (personally own 3 pair and never wear them). I typically prefer to wear my sunglasses. Cold noses run so maybe stash a hanky (not tissue then melt, real cotton hanky) in everyones pocket. Good glvoes or mittens are a must and a nice hat will help keep the heat in (something like 70% of the body’s heat is lost through the head). OH and DO NOT wear really thick socks - ski boots are insulated and fit with a thin ski sock or thin wool/polyester sock. Cotton socks are a disaster and multiple layers of socks are worse.
Remember to take lots of pictures of rosy cheeks, hat head and action shots. They’re really fun to look back at once all the fractures heal - just kidding -
OH and don’t stick your tongue to any cold metal poles - it really does stick : )

:teehee: what a true fact.

Silver: The resort will have rentals. If you go with a lesson package, it will usually cover the rentals as well. Should you borrow items from your friends, it’s lock it or lose it. It is unfortunate that stuff goes missing when unattended. The resort will have various options for you, check the items in, or rent a lock. Layers is the best way to go, as you can adjust your warmth according to how warm you are during the day. Take snacks up with you as will get hungry. So stock up on those granola bars, etc. Bring up your family radios should you have them easy to locate everyone. Vaseline or lip balm for those lips. Definitely need a beanie.

That’s what I can think off of the top of my head. Have a fun and safe trip!

Thanks again everyone!! I’ve been keeping DH abreast on what you’re suggesting. He said he’s not going to go on an expert slope ahem, and that we’re probably only going to ski one day, but that we [I]might[/I] go back the next day. Sis-in-law is loaning us some gloves and mittens (she used to live in Canada).

Uh, DH said that he can waterproof our jeans by spraying them with Scotchguard. Is this true? :shrug: I dunno about that. I think I’d rather have some real waterproof pants.

Oh… and we ARE going to do the Learn to Turn package deal.

No advice but I hope you have a great trip :hug:

Oh, and watch out for the Man’s famous last words : ‘Hey guys, check this out!’…

I second this. However, you definitely need to wear one or the other. Snow reflects a lot of light and can hurt your eyes. Last thing you want is to come off the slopes after a fun day and have white spots clouding your vision.

No advice from me either, but I just wanted to say I hope you and your family and friends have a great time! I am completely jealous :stuck_out_tongue: