Its going to be mighty tempting to try it without lessons. Don’t. The lessons teach you how to fall safely and how to get up again once you have fallen.
Going skiing this weekend.. HELP! Advice?
…and how to get on and off the lift. I didn’t start skiing until I moved to Vt, and tried it solo with bad results. Ski school is the way to go.:sun:
Don’t you worry about that. I am a safety-bug. I’ve already convinced DH that the $70 lesson packages are the way to go. They include our equipment rentals, unlimited lessons (1 hour lesson and we can say for as many hours as we feel is necessary), an 8 hour lift ticket and $10 credit to use anywhere at the lodge. We’re already planning on it.
Getting on and off of the lift freaks me out. Falling freaks me out. Crashing… heck… everything about skiing freaks me out. I am such a nervous wreck, but most of that is the excitement. And I can not wait to crunch around in the snow!!! :woohoo:
Ski pants, not jeans!!! NEVER jeans.
Bath for a while, laying down into the water, and then shower when you all get off the slopes as you will be sore the next day if you do not. You will use muscles you don’t even know exist, so have to keep them limber!
Don’t wear anything too tight and wear layers of clothing (being Canadian I know all the tricks in the cold weather, LOL). Polar fleece IS your best friend!
Have a wonderful time and be safe!
I second the polar fleece suggestion. It allows you to move. I usually just wear my fleecy lined ski pants with long underwear underneath. That gives me the flexibility I need. Of course if it’s really, really cold I’ll pile on some polar fleece pants underneath.
Don’t worry about wiping out, most of the time there’s always people around to help you. I’ve found the nicest people on ski slopes, young and old.
Oh yeah, ski school rocks.
You all are getting me so pumped up and excited!!
Question… do I need boots or will my sneakers be ok to wear there if I’m going to be wearing ski boots most of the time anyway? Or maybe I’ll wear my leather biker boots??
I CAN NOT find waterproof pants in this town. People here don’t know how to dress for the snow. Hmm… I wonder why. LOL What am I gonna do?
Try and snag a pair of ski pants at Walmart, etc. near the slope if there is one or on the way around town. I did that my first year, they were something like $22.00, they got me by. It’s freezaaang cold there, there has to be snow pants there somewhere in the stores. Otherwise you might have to bite it and buy a pair at a local ski place. I did that in Montana, paid big moola for a pair of weatherproof hiking pants but I’ve still got 'em and they saved me from freezing to death on a five mile hike to Glacier so it’s all good.
Duh. I’ll buy them up there!!! LOL
Silver, have a wonderful time. I didn’t learn to ski until I was 45 +, and have loved it ever since! I hope you do try it, and we’d all love to hear about it after you return.
As for the sore muscles: If you like pineapple, eat some the night before, or make pineapple smoothies. Then have some when you get back that night. It can really help with the sore muscles! (google bromelain if you want to know more about it, that’s the enzyme in pineapple that helps). This helps with people who are getting braces tightened too Oh… and when riding horse back after 20 years of not being on a horse, my husband can vouch for that :lol
Also, runners use epsom salts baths to help remove lactic acid build up that comes from heavy use of muscles. That can really help too. Most running sites will suggest 1 cup epsom salts per 50 lbs of body weight in a warm bath. Soak 20 minutes. Don’t put soap in as it will scum up in epsom salts.
Most common arm break for new snowboarders is a hand plant (falling backwards and placing each hand palm down on each side to catch themselves). Have the instructor teach them how NOT to do that )
Mama Bear