I went in with my sister on an exercise video/diet plan (mostly because she bought it from an infomercial, and then called me, desperate: “I can’t believe I spent SIXTY dollars on a video! I can’t afford that!” )
Having someone on the program at the same time really helped - We called each other every day, and knowing that someone was going to check up on you is a pretty big motivation - plus, you can commiserate about how much you both miss chocolate and how much you hate squats! :doh:
I lost 30 lbs in 6 weeks :happydance: and felt great (after the initial muscle pain, cramping and feeling completely out of shape had passed, of course!) and really noticed how badly I felt if I skipped my workout… BUT -
I slipped, of course, because it was ridiculously time-consuming. I had to wake up with enough time to do my workout and take a shower before the kids got up @ 7:30, 8, which meant that I was waking up at 5am every morning…and I am not a morning person :devil:
Walked 15-20 minutes to the playground (pushing about 60lbs worth of kid in the stroller too, I might add
I had to laugh, because now I use my kids as exercise equipment, too!
I got one of those wagons (the ones where you can tie the children down ~evil laugh~) and I have since found that if they are strapped in, you can get in a good, heart pumping twenty minutes or so before they get restless and want to walk! I just have to convince myself to do it more often now…