Easy bulky knit kids sweater by Gina Michelle on Ravelry

I’d like to make this sweater in a size 4-5, if possible. Or, do you have any patterns similar to this in a 4-5 size?

Also, I’m trying to download this free pattern from Ravelry, and it won’t let me download it. Are you able to help me retrieve this free pattern? Thank you so much !

The Ravelry free download takes you to this site:

I would give this pattern (size 5/6) a try. See what gauge you get with your yarn and needles. You may be able to size it slightly smaller although 5/6 may not be such a bad alternative.

Thank you I will make the 5/6. I went to the site that Ravelry took me to, as you showed me , but I have no idea how to do this. It looks like they are charging you to create an account . . Ravelry free patterns are usually very easy to access .

If you scroll down, the pattern is there and you can access it without creating an account. Not as nicely formatted as most Ravelry patterns but the information is there. You might cut and paste the directions into a word document to make it easier to follow.

Thank you so much I actually just copied the pattern by writing it down. I’m old school! And I sent it to phone . Thanks so much . I appreciate your help .

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Wondering if you know of a pattern like this , but in a smaller size, 4 toddler. The 5-6 in this pattern is way too big, So, I’m using Lionbrand wool ease , thick and quick. It’s the pattern above, in the green hoodie .

This is in super bulky and could be worked without a pocket

There’s also this one in Thick and Quick

Here’s a couple that would require changing to a bulky yarn rather than super bulky.

Here’s a worsted weight one

Thanks so much I’m looking at the first one in the pink sweater The pocket is no problem. The pattern says that you can use any super bulky wt yarn. The wool ease thick and quick calls for size 13 needles. This pattern calls for smaller needles . Do you think I can use the smaller needles with the thick and quick??

Best way to tell is to try it out on a swatch. See what gauge you get and whether you like the knit fabric, not too stiff and not too drapey.

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It looks like the blue sweater would be a better gauge match for your yarn.

Yes, There’s no way I can use a size 7 , and 9 with this super bulky yarn Thank you for your help !

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I was also looking at that It would be better. Unfortunately, Im not great at calculating gauges with different needle sizes. This is a very thick yarn, I’m sure you know, it’s like “ coat “ yarn. I’m too lazy to make a swatch.

But swatches are great!

I think your yarn was 9sts per 10cm on 8mm needle, or US 13
The blue pattern is 9st on 8mm needle.
At a guess you may be okay with the 9mm or US 13 which suits the yarn and just knit the pattern.
I would make the blue one.

But swatches are great! And very few people knit to gauge so the sweater may turn into bigger or smaller than you hoped.

Thank you so
much! You’re definitely right about swatches Everyone knits differently. I found another pattern from LionBrand, using the Wool Ease Thick and Quick yarn, that I already bought . I might try that one . This yarn is so thick, you really need to use it for a hoodie , or jacket . It’s a hooded button down knitted sweater .


Hope it goes well for you.

Thanks for all your support! I appreciate you so much. This site has always been such a big help to me .


I’m making the Lion brand Childs hooded knit sweater pattern, with woolease thick and quick yarn. Pattern # 815. It’s a free pattern . I’ve run into a problem with joining the pocket opening with the pocket lining.

Can you help ?


Cute hoodie! It has a slanted pocket with the pocket lining knit separately. What in particular seems to be the problem?

Ok I made the 2 pocket linings, and I did the decreases for the slanted pocket. I’m not sure how to knit the stitches from the slanted edge ,with the stitches from the lining together . Not sure what side should be facing me , Right side or wrong side . I can’t visualize knitting the body and the pocket lining together. Is there a video or tutorial you can suggest ?