Debbie Bliss Cable and Teddybear Jacket

I continue to work on this pattern. I have made it up to row 52 which is a decrease row. I start with 106 Stitches with a decrease of 2 should leave 104. I keep counting and continue to end up with 105. Can anyone see where I am counting incorrectly? I am making the smaller size (parenthesis is for larger size). I am pretty sure the P1 after the cast off should be P2.

Cast off 2 (0) sts, p next 1(0) st, [k2, p2] 0(3) times,
Tk, p41,
p2, Tk,
Tk, p2,
p2, Tk,
[p2, k2] 1(3) times.

Cast off 2 (0) sts, p next 1(0) st, [k2, p2] 0(3) times, 2sts
Tk, p41, 43
Cr6B, 6
p2, Tk, 4
p31, 31
Tk, p2, 4
Cr6F, 6
p2, Tk, 4
[p2, k2] 1(3) times.4

I get 104sts assuming the Tk is a twist of 2 sts. The Cast off leaves you with one stitch on the right needle.
You have all my admiration for making it so far with this adorable but very problematic pattern!

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Thank you so much. I was counting the cast off 2 incorrectly. Yes!!! This pattern is filled with problems. Not difficult but REALLY poorly written. Ugh! Onward and upward. I am sure I will be back here in a row or two.

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And I am back! More on this Debbie Bliss Cable and Teddybear Jacket…

These are the instructions I DO NOT UNDERSTAND which rows make up the pattern - Not sure if I am supposed to repeat 51-56. Any help would be appreciated! Hopefully the instructions I tried to include here come through. Thanks!

This is a bear of a pattern alright.
Rows 53 and following set up the chart and cable placement. Keep that placement and continue the cables and twisted stitches. Don’t bind off any more sts.
Row 56 shows you where to work 2 sts together. Repeat that decrease at each end of rows 58,60 and 62.

This pattern is keeping me up at night!!! I thought that’s what the instructions meant but its nice to have confirmation from you. The idea of taking out colors, cables, etc. was not appealing. Thank you so much for getting back to me. This pattern could be so much easier written. I am writing out row by row with number of stitches left after decreases, etc. Anyway. I really appreciate your help!!!

You are our go-to person for this pattern and more. Can’t wait to see a photo!

You are too kind! If I make it to the end I will be thrilled to share anything I’ve learned!

See you in about 24 rows!



Beautiful, I am working on this sweater also. What a challenge! I have made it to the left front, finally. The pattern isn’t written well. It is more a puzzle then anything. Beautiful job! It will get easier!

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Thank you! I hope it will get easier. Ha! Have you already knitted the back? The way the pattern is written is definitely a challenge!!! Best of luck to you. We can be support to each other through this knitting journey.

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Back is finished!!! Moving on to left front. There are mistakes in the pattern. Stitches are easy but pattern is so difficult to understand!!! Knitting Tedddy Bear Sweater Back

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Knowing a little about how difficult this pattern is, that is a triumph! Well done.
It’s going to be a lovely cardigan.

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Can’t wait to see this one finished, it looks great (but so sorry you’ve had so much trouble with the pattern!)

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Thanks for the encouragement!!!

Thanks for the encouragement! Determined to finish. :slight_smile:

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Happy Holidays everyone. Cannot believe I am still talking about this Debbie Bliss Teddy Bear Jacket after so much time. I have decided to start from the beginning in the larger size (since it has taken me so long and my new grandson will most likely not fit into the smaller size). This has been the most frustrating pattern I have ever tried to knit but having almost finished it in the smaller size (and realizing the many mistakes) I feel prepared to move forward and feel better equipped to make it through a pattern which is poorly written at best. I know people have been taking about it for years on this forum so I feel like I am in good company.

I feel so fortunate to have found all of you and appreciate all the answers I have received for all of my questions!!! Hope everyone remains safe during these challenging days!!
Teddy Bear Sweater Round 2|480x640


And yes, it is January and I am STILL working on this little sweater for my grandson. I have abandoned my efforts (crying!!!) which included a finished back and finished right front. I have completed a new back, right front side and am working on the left front side. I have literally written instructions, row by row, for this sweater. I am encouraged and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Whew! With the “do over” I decided to make the larger size so that at least, when I finish, my grandson, now seven months old, will be able to wear it.

As a distraction, I am also making a baby blanket (also full of lots of cables). Really enjoying this pattern. Hope everyone is off to a happy and healthy new year!

Sweater right front Sweater right front on back Baby Blanket Jan 2021


Your work in rewriting this pattern is so worth it. It looks fantastic!
You are our go-to person for the Teddy Bear Sweater and lots more.


Salmonmac, You are the best!!! I appreciate your encouragement. Almost ready to do the sleeves! Can’t wait to post the finished sweater!!!

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I have finished the body parts. Moving on to the sleeves and then the embroidered facial features (which I am avoiding…). Making progress!!!

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