Common Abbreviations on this forum

Here’s a list to help you get a handle on some of our forum abbreviations.
For more knitting abbreviations, go here.

BRB – be right back (used in chat mostly)
BTW – By the way

dec – decrease (decrease a stitch in your knitting, see basic techniques)

D(followed by another capitol letter) commonly refers to a relation, such as one’s “Dear Son.” So:
DB – Dear brother/boss/other relation whose significance starts with 'B’
DBF – Dear boyfriend
DD --Dear daughter
DDIL – Dear daughter-in-law
DGD – Dear granddaughter
DGS – Dear grandson
DH – Dear husband
DS – Dear son
DSE – Dear spousal equivalent
DSO – Dear significant other
DW – Dear wife
*D might also refer to another D word, depending on the mood of the poster…Darling, Darned, etc.

ETA – Edited to Add (used in a post when someone goes in to edit their post later)
EZ – Elizabeth Zimmermann, the renouned knitting teacher and author

FO – Finished object (*related to UFO, Unfinished Object)
FROG – Frog is used quite often when an item is ripped out. Comes from “rip it, rip it” sounding like ribbit.
FWIW – For what it’s worth

GMTA – great minds think alike

HTH – Hope this helps

inc – increase (add a stitch in your knitting, see basic techniques section)
IMO – In my opinion
IMHO – In my humble opinion
IMHBUO – In my humble (but unerring) opinion
IMNSHO – In my not so humble opinion

K – Knit
KH – :wink:
KIP – Knitting in public
KP –
KWIM – Know what I mean?

LOL – Laughing out loud (*see also ROFL)
LYS – Local yarn shop

MIA – Missing In Action (gone from the boards long enough to be noticed as missing)

OMG – Oh My God/Goddess/Goodness
OT – off topic

PITA - Pain in the *ss
POV – point of view
P – Purl

ROFL – Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLM*O – Rolling on the floor laughing my asterisk off

SEX – Stash enhancement (e)xpedition
SnB – Stitch N B!tch (refers to an SnB group of people, or the book)
SO – significant other

TIA – Thanks in advance
TINK – knit, spelled backwards, means to un-knit (frog)

UFO – Unfinished object

WIP – Work in progress
WOTA – Wool of the Andes yarn
WYIF – With yarn in front
WYIB – With yarn in back

YO – yarn over, an increase (more knitting terms/abbreviations here)


I know this is gonna get deleted, but didn’t EYE invent KH? I mean, invent as in started saying it?

And, KK must feel proud that she’s on the list… for PITA.

Must have been in Sept. when I was AWOL. What’s EYE? (Dare I ask?)

ETA: Ahhh, I get it. Denise, I didn’t know you invented the KH abbreviation! GOOD ONE, thanks!! :thumbsup:

I certainly didnt invent THAT! I will take credit for WOTA, though… :thumbsup:

Amy, Deni just likes to spell things strangely… she meant “I”. :rollseyes: :lol:

[color=blue]SIMC,HMS,LOL I’m getting too old to ROTFLM*O!

And yet another of life’s questions, that I have been pondering, has been answered HERE!
And it was the word origin of [/color][color=green]FROG.[/color] :frog:

Is TINK used much here? I know I tink more than I frog. :slight_smile:

What about KP? Knit Picks. I order from them and sometimes I see KP in a post and think “Wow that sounds like a great place to buy yarn, wonder what it is.” duh.

I KNOW I’ve seen tink before…can’t for the life of me remember what it stands for though?

I KNOW I’ve seen tink before…can’t for the life of me remember what it stands for though?[/quote]
It’s when you unKNIT stitch by stitch backwards - TINK - as opposed to frogging, which is massive ripping.

tink is knit spelled backwards. :wink:

Gotcha! :thumbsup:

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If you only TINK a few is it TINKling? :roflhard:

~end of threadnap~

Good list, Amy!

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Lana, what do SIMC and HMS mean? Do we use them here?

I’ve added KP, and TINK to the list, thanks ladies. Also added ETA, since it’s being used a lot lately. :thumbsup:

[color=blue]It’s no longer prudent to be :roflhard:, now I am
[size=6]S[/size][size=2]itting[/size][size=6]M[/size][size=2]y[/size][size=6]C[/size][size=2]hair[/size],[size=6]H[/size][size=2]olding[/size][size=6]M[/size][size=2]y[/size][size=6]S[/size][size=2]ides[/size],LOL [/color]

Ahhh, very cute, you learn something new every day! :sunny:

I was very happy to see this thread as I’ve been occasionally bewildered by some abbreviations! :??

I though LOL was “Lots of Luck”, but as you can imagine it didn’t quite make sense most of the time!!

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I finally looked in here. I was so puzzled about this great store calle LYS. THought it was a chain store that hadn’t made it to my town yet. Now I know we do have a LYS. Yippeeeee


OK ladies and gents, interpret “bump” for me.

The posts that have been responded to most recently show up at the top of any given forum. When a post has made its way to the bottom of the page, if you post a reply it will “bump” it back to the top of this list, so ideally more people will see/respond to it. So, say I posted something that no one responded to because there were a lot of posts that day, I might post a “bump” post in the hopes that it would get seen/responded to. :smiley: