Yarn for sock

So I need to get yarn for socks for my granddaughter. Don’t want real expensive since she will grow out of them. So will any fingering weight be suitable for socks. I want something soft.

Fingering weight with 25% nylon is good for socks. Webs has some sock yarn on sale or closeout right now.

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I went to big box store and got yarn bee cozy toes. I went before I read your response. No nylon. But I went on Ravelry and looked at what projects were done and there were socks. But then I noticed that weight is “2”. So then I got lion brands summer nights. This is fingering. Also looked at projects for this on Ravelry. So I will swatch both. I didn’t spend much for either. So I’m going to go with it. Call it practice I guess. But I will remember your recommendation for next time. Thanks

The nylon helps the socks wear longer but as you say, your granddaughter is likely to grow out of them before that’s important. Good luck with the socks! We’d love to see a photo.


Maryna at “10 rows a day” had a hint to knit a length of matching sewing thread with the toe and heel of the sock. She said it adds strength but not bulk. Haven’t tried it yet but I will next time I make some socks.