Wurstwarmer (Dachshund Sweater)

I actually finished something! :teehee:

My MIL has a dachshund and was complaining about how she couldn’t keep a sweater on him. I remembered I had seen a pattern for dachshunds and offered to make one for her. I think I started it in October and finished it a couple of weeks ago.

I used Red Heart Designer Sport yarn – had bought some at Michael’s for $1 and was going to teach myself socks with it, but changed my mind. There was a lot of “firsts” for me on the sweater – short rows, binding off and casting on stitches for the arms, even knitting in the round for such a long time seemed new. (I have made one baby hat in the round before this.)

By the time I was working on the last section, I swore off knitting in the round, but when it was done, I thought I’d want to try again. I need to see if this sweater fits the dog first. The llama seems to like it.

That is really cute!

Cute! :teehee:

We must see pics of the dachshund wearing it! How cute!!

That is gonna be one stylin’ hot doggy! :slight_smile:

Oh, I love it! You did a wonderful job on this and it sounds like you’ve picked up all sorts of new skills. Congrats on a job well done.

I agree.

How cute is that? GREAT job!!! I’m sure the dog is going to love it!

That is really cute. You did a great job on it. I like the fact that the proceeds for the pattern go to fund an animal rescue shelter.

Thanks for all the kind words! :slight_smile:

I will be sure to post pics! I haven’t seen MIL since I finished it and as much as I want to see if it fits her dog, I’m not as eager to see her. :shock:

(I’m kidding! :wink: If it was that bad, I’d just drop it in the mail and tell her to send me a picture! :teehee:)

I love the shape!!

nice pic

This is very sweet! I think it’s so nice when folks knit things to help their doggies stay warm!

My Shih Tzu and Saint Bernard came with their own built-in fur coats.

My hounds, who need sweaters, would tear a knitted coat to pieces, and have so much fun doing so! Nothing is off-limits, or sacred, to a hound!

Alas, I’ll have to knit for other people!

A great learning project for sure! Lots of skills involved. Your sweater looks great. Did it fit? It looks pretty long, like a Dachshund. Nice color.

Thanks! I don’t know yet if it fits – I’m still carrying it around. We haven’t managed to meet up and mailing it is starting to look attractive. :teehee: