Why I like scotch tension setup over double drive.

In scotch tension setup, I can spin much faster. I can choose smaller whorls for the flyer and not be concerned about the bobbin whorl size. I can also setup the bobbin with any take up I want, doesn’t matter about the flyer whorl size.

I don’t find nothing wrong with consistency of the yarn I make in scotch tension. It works just as good for me as double drive.

I also do not find nothing wrong with the treadle in scotch tension versus double drive. As long as the tension is setup properly it treadles smooth. With proper setup the scotch tension can treadle nicer than double drive.

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My wheel will do both. When I first started spinning I spun mainly very fine lace weight and I used Scotch tension exclusively then. Now days I dont make lace much & I spin mainly a fingering/sport weight. There is a local mill that really preps the fiber beatifully, the width of the roving being very fluffy and thinner than most. Since drafting is so easy I use the double drive almost exclusively now days.
Jenson Tina II wheel.

I was using double drive and think It is nice setup. I was planning on making some yarn tonight in double drive on my homemade wheel.

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