When casting on

When you cast on your first official loop- there are really two loops, because the first one makes two. Do I count both of those as one, or do I count them as two?

Am I even making sense? You can see it in the long tail cast on video, so I know I’m doing it right!!

TIA guys!! :knitting: :muah:

You’re making perfect sense, and you count it as two stitches. :slight_smile:

Wow! Thanks for the quick response. :slight_smile: Off I go! :smiley:

Anytime! We’re a fun and helpful bunch around here. :slight_smile:

When casting on you always count ALL loops on the needle, whether they’re from the slip knot or the cast on.

I was about to post this same question but was sure someone had already asked it and sure enough they did. I did it wrong, I counted that first stitch as one (no wonder it was so hard to do!) but I ain’t froggin’ back to the beginning again. At least I know for next time. Thanks! :knitting:

[B]RE:[/B] [COLOR=Blue]When casting on you always count ALL loops on the needle, whether they’re from the slip knot or the cast on.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=Red][B]EXCEPT[/B][/COLOR] when other wise directed.

there are some cast ons, where you “discard” the slip knot loop… (there are always excepts to general rules!)

some cast on’s use slip knots, some just use twisted loops. and unless told otherwise, count the slip knot/twisted loop.

That happens only occasionally though, but yeah, follow the pattern directions.