Whatcha' Knitting? February, 2025

Some people are beginning the winter blahs about now but not knitters and crocheters. There’s almost always a new project in mind and maybe an unfinished object (UFO) lurking in a bag. What’s on your needles or hooks and what are you planing to work on next?
Just in case, here’s an emotional support chickie (Ravelry) to keep you company.


I like the chicken! I made a few tiny Easter egg holding hens with lace yarn just for my own amusement several years ago - the pattern was meant for hens the size of Cadbury’s Crème Eggs, but those little guys turned out small enough to hold the mini eggs with sugar shells!


I want a hen for a mini egg!

I’ve put aside my travelling stitches and cable sweater whilst I think about how to make sure I have enough yarn since I made a gaff and worked 10 extra rows in the back dipping into my front piece yarn, I’m just 4g short of a full front and don’t know how much less I need as there will be neck shaping, make it scoop neck to reduce amount of yarn needed? Or add a second colour to make sure there’s plenty. Gah, design decisions and yarn chicken!

Meanwhile, I’ve just cast on for another plate of yarn spaghetti intarsia with yarn left over from my last knit. It’s the first time I’ve calculated yarn needed by calculating the number of stitches for my gauge and size and how much each stitch weighs. Eye opening to be able to do that. Always learning new things!


Wow! What is the picture on the chart? Kind of looks like a face. Will be interesting to see how the whole project turns out (maths included!)

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Yes, it’s a face, kind of. I got a licence free pic off the Internet, turned it into a chart, drew on it, added to it, and so on. There are 2 more pages of it but I can’t stick it together as little Mister made a bit of a mistake in the tiled printing and they are just slightly different sizes so the rows don’t align, …and a whole row has been missed between the bottom half and top half. It’s OK for now though. I don’t really need it all in one go.
The plan is this is the back and a striped front. Very basic drop shoulder shape.


I’m working on a pair of vanilla socks with a twisted rib cuff for my husband. Super simple and pretty fast. Socks were my in the car project but I hardly go anywhere anymore that I’m just waiting in the car. I hope to get several pairs done this winter. We shall see.


These look great. As ever I am in awe of anyone who can make a sock, a matching pair is even more impressive! I love the yarn and the cuff pattern.

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I’m still working away on the embrace octopus sweater. I’ve done the sleeves and the back so doing the front now. Thought if I did the front last that would give me some time to get my technique down. Not sure it’s worked that well. I’ve got some crazy differences in stitch size here and there. Hopefully it can be tweaked a bit when I’m weaving in ends! It’s been such a fun challenge.


It’s stunning and fabulous! Blocking will even out the stitches and make it even more beautiful. It’s a pleasure to see the progress on this sweater.

Looking fabulous. My intarsia stitches are always uneven, I don’t mind so much but occasionally will draw some tighter on the wrong side. It looks really neat anyway, neater than mine.

Thanks so much! I think before I block I’m going to have to do some swatches to block to test. It’s an acrylic and poly yarn made from recycled bottles. Normally I’d do a gentle heat blocking with a hairdryer but I’m not sure how much it’ll do when the yarn is so thick.

That’s very kind and very reassuring! Thanks so much!

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What does the ballband say for washing and drying? That’s a good recommendation to go by.

Oh, another good tip! It’s washable at 30 degrees C, low iron, dry flat.

I’m conservative about these things but I’d wash then dry flat. Save the iron or just steam in reserve.

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Thanks. I use the first one to make sure the second one is the same.

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I just finished one of my daughters-in-law’s Norwegian sweater. I’ll get it to her this weekend. She hasn’t seen it at all, but she picked out the design and colors. I think it turned out pretty well. Next up is one of my son’s Norwegian sweater.


Oooh so gorgeous! What a triumph!

Beautiful, both the pattern and your work. Well done!

Stunning! That’s a head turner, your daughter in law will love it.