What is trumming?

I’m in the middle of reading a very good book, “The Birth Huse” by Ami McKay. It mentions thrumming as a technique used in making socks. This has made me curious. Does anyone know what this is? (I love to knit socks, and anything to improve upon them would be great! ) Thanks!

Sorry, the Title to that book should be “Th Birth House”

Here is the REAL title, I think I can’t spell tonight. It is The Birth House.

I have seen thrummed mitts…and basically, it is knitting in pieces of roving intermittantly throughout your knitting http://www.knittingonthenet.com/patterns/mittensthrummed.htm

They end up being really warm cause of all the extra fluff in them. However, I got to wear a pair to a girl guide camp once…and I personally found them warm, but after a day or so, I didn’t like the way they felt inside, and the thrums on them were getting all fuzzed up from use…

Either way…Nice idea…wouldn’t do it for myself…smiles

Thanks! Now at least I know what it is. I’ve never liked the feel of fluff, or extra pieces of wool in a sock, so maybe it’s not for me either.

Thrummed mittens are wonderfully warm. Socks… I don’t know, don’t think I’l like that. Maybe for boot socks.

Knitting Daily had a tutorial series on it awhile back. You can read about it here.

If you’re interested, explore around on the site…I don’t know if all the articles are linked there or not. Sandi Wiseheart did a whole series.