I am confused between the two of these. I have done a kfb before, but a new pattern I am interested in trying says to “increase by 1 in the next stitch”. Watching videos online, they look the same…although the increase by 1 seems to imply knitting 1 and then doing the increase on the next stitch. Is this right? Or what amI missing?
What is the difference between a KFB and an increase by 1 in the next stitch?
I’d imagine it would very likely be kfb in the stitch indicated, since the actions used to do a knit front and back matches the description given. Does it specify anything in the instructions? Sometimes patterns give more specific directions in another section.
If you pick the strand between stitches from the BACK of the work, knit the stitch through the FRONT loop. That gives you a make 1 right” increase. If you pick the strand between stitches from the FRONT of the work, knit it through the BACK loop, and you will have a “make 1 left increase.
Increase in the next stitch is a general direction for an increase that uses up a single stitch and leaves you with an extra stitch (the increase). How you work that increase is up to you, a kfb, a KRL, KLL (knit right loop, knit left loop) or something else is your choice.
@Keenan, Welcome to the forum!
These are wonderful increases (M1) but they are between sts rather than in a stitch. You might still use a M1 but you’d have to work the next stitch as usual and include it in the numbers for the row to work out.
Your choice of increase might depend on your project? The kfb leaves a visible bar which might interrupt a swathe of stocking stitch.
This article goes through lots of methods. I think the lifted increase is the most invisible.
Also, if you like kfb, you can always amend it to knit in the front of the stitch and then just slip the back of the stitch to the right needle without knitting into the back. You get two loops for the next row and no bar!
thanks for your response…the directions were a bit vague, but the responses here have been quite helpful!!!
a-ha! what a great trick with the kfb–thanks so much!!!
I will watch the video repeatedly and practice before starting my project, to see what seems right—thanks so much!!!
You’re very welcome!