What is oversewing?

Many of the Jean Greenhowe doll patterns I see, say to “oversew” together. Is this done differently than seaming?

Oversewing is a way of seaming like whip stitch. Back stitch will also work as well for a seam on small pieces like dolls.

Another question: Can you do too much seaming? When I first saw the topic that is what I thought it was asking.

I didn’t thnk of that!
I think the less seaming you need to do at the end of a project, the better. That’s why techniques like knitting sweaters in the round with steeking, knitting the fronts and back of cardigans at one time, and 3-needle bind off are so great.

I love Jean Greenhowe’s patterns, but I’ve never done one because of the seaming. I just look for something else to do instead or alter it.