I’m knitting the backscrubber from the Fiesta Bath Ensemble in the Knitting Pattern A Day calendar, and it calls for a ringlet. The instructions say “make ringlet, purl next two stitches, slide back to left needle, wrap yarn from front to back, slip stitches back to right-hand needle.” The instructions don’t use enough stitches unless “make ringlet” uses a stitch. Help!!
What is a ringlet?
The “make ringlet” is the p2, slide back to left needle…" part, so would use 2 stitches only. Can you tell us how many you cast on and the instructions for that row?
The pattern is:
Cast on 26 stitches
Knit 6 border stitches, k6, make ringlet, k6, border 6.
next row and all ws rows, b6, purl across to last 6, border.
6 border, k5, 2 ringlets, k5, 6 border
6 border k4 3 ringlets k4, 6 order,
The instructions say “make ringlet, purl next two stitches, slide back to left needle, wrap yarn from front to back, slip stitches back to right-hand needle.” The instructions don’t use enough stitches unless “make ringlet” uses a stitch.
The ringlet takes 2 sts - purl 2, put them back on the left needle, YO and put them on the right needle.