What does lys mean?

hi fellow knitters,

on numerous threads people refer to LYS , I am just wondering what it means
thank you

Local Yarn Store is my favorite place to be… I wish I had bigger LYS… or more close to me… :pout:

I had the same question, but didn’t want to ask here, so I googled it. Makes perfect sense once you know.


I was just wondering that!

I went to my local (well sort of local) yarn store for the first time last night only to find it’s closing down :pout: But the owner said she was going to open another one a bit further away and DH has promised he will take me whenever I like :happydance:

Long Yoyo String :teehee:


Love Your Socks

Like you said
Light your stogie
Little yellow submarine
Large yarn stash

Oh boy…I’m having too much fun.


Love your sweater

Love your stash

Like your shawl

:muah: :hug:

Nadja xxx