Hello! Thank you for reading my post! I am not new to knitting but am new to doing more complicated projects. I am currently working on Drops Design Sweetness Imprint Sweater and this part in particular is driving me bonkers, from the front panel of the sweater.
'Place the middle 15-15-17-17-17-19 stitches on a thread for the neck and finish each shoulder separately. Cast off on each row from the neck as follows: 2 stitches 3 times and 1 stitch 2 times = 25-26-28-31-33-34 stitches on the shoulder. Continue working until the piece measures 50-52-54-56-58-60 cm. Cast off. Work the other shoulder in the same way.'
Over an hour of googling has yielded no clarification. I am confused and don't know if I'm understanding it right, but I don't want to end up knitting something so wrong that it will regret being born.
Do you treat the shoulder and middle neck part as 3 separate pieces? Like, casting off or using a new yarn for each piece?
Thank you!