what does "Bind off 3 sts beg next two rows" mean?

working through a new pattern when I came across this:
Bind off 3 sts beg next two rows
Work 3.5” even in stockinette. Bind off all sts.

What does it mean to “Bind off 3 sts beg next two rows” mean? Never came across this before!
Thanks for the help!

Welcome to KnittingHelp!
You’ll be binding off at each side of the knitted piece, maybe a front or back of a sweater.
At the beginning of the row, bind off 3sts, then work to the end of the row and turn. On the new row begin by binding off 3sts then finish working across to the end of row.

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Thank you for the warm welcome! And for the help. You guessed it, I’m working on my first sweater and hadn’t come across this before.
Thanks again!

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Great! A first sweater is an adventure but it gets easier the more you work. Have fun with this one and come back if there’s another puzzler.

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