I’m knitting cotton shopping bags like the old fashioned string bags.
I’m struggling weaving in my ends though as the pattern is
2. K all
This creates a lovely open mesh. But there’s not really anything to weave into!
Weaving in open pattern
You could do weaving in the ends as you knit. Have you done this before? You introduce ghe new yarn which,st still using g the old yarn and do a little up down behind your left needle to catch the new yarn into the stitch. After several stitches you switch to the new yarn and weave j the o,d one catching it behind the stitch for several stitches. Afterwards you just trim the yarn ends, they are already woven.
If you want a video tutorial I could find one?
If its too late and you already have your ends hanging you could do a similar,ar catch in behind the stitches with a sewing needle.
Depending on your yarn, if it splits and leaves a tufty end you can split it intentionally sewing half in kne direction and the other half jn the other. After several stitches you can split it again and sew those lengths in and even split it a third time. This is good for cotton which otherwise seems to have an ugly end that sticks out no matter how far you’ve woven it.
Along with the above, an advanced knitting tutorial I saw recommended using a sharp sewing needle and working “through” the yarn, the opposite of what we do with the blunt needle, sewing through the yarn can he’ll to hold the ends exactly where you want them. If you combine this with splitting you can have quite thin threads hidden quite neatly in the fabric.
Hope this helps
Thesis really helpful. I’ll find a video. Thanks
Glad to help.
Sorry about all the typos though. Eek, my tablet writes what it wants!