Ok, it is true I have knitting ADD! I started another project! (In spite of the fact that I have about 6 other projects on the go!
Anyway, the pattern I am making says to put the front stitches on waste yarn- I watched a video, so I know what to do, but why would you do that instead of just using a stitch holder?
Also, I am confused about this portion of the pattern: (BTW, this is the Lilly Rose dress by Taiga Hilliard)
Row 19: (WS)Knit 19(24, 25, 28, 29,30,30), bind off the next 22(28, 34, 38, 38,39,39) stitches knit wise, knit 38(43, -------
------------50,50, 54,57,57) stitches (front), bind off the next 22(28, 34, 38, 38,39,39) stitches knit wise, knit 19(24, 25, 28,
------------29,30,30), stitches ------------------76(91, 100, 106, 112, 117, 117) stitches
Place your front stitches on a piece of waste yarn. You are going to work back and forth on the back stitches, joining them
Break the yarn (it is at the center of your back stitches), reattach the yarn on the front right of the back stitches.
Alright so, I have worked row 19, but I don’t understand how to work back and forth on the back stitches.