Waste yarn

Ok, it is true I have knitting ADD! I started another project! (In spite of the fact that I have about 6 other projects on the go!
Anyway, the pattern I am making says to put the front stitches on waste yarn- I watched a video, so I know what to do, but why would you do that instead of just using a stitch holder?
Also, I am confused about this portion of the pattern: (BTW, this is the Lilly Rose dress by Taiga Hilliard)
Row 19: (WS)Knit 19(24, 25, 28, 29,30,30), bind off the next 22(28, 34, 38, 38,39,39) stitches knit wise, knit 38(43, -------
------------50,50, 54,57,57) stitches (front), bind off the next 22(28, 34, 38, 38,39,39) stitches knit wise, knit 19(24, 25, 28,
------------29,30,30), stitches ------------------76(91, 100, 106, 112, 117, 117) stitches
Place your front stitches on a piece of waste yarn. You are going to work back and forth on the back stitches, joining them
Break the yarn (it is at the center of your back stitches), reattach the yarn on the front right of the back stitches.

Alright so, I have worked row 19, but I don’t understand how to work back and forth on the back stitches.

In fact, a stitch holder is easier since you can sometimes knit directly off one when it comes time to work the held sts. Not everyone has one however so waste yarn is a general alternative.
According to the pattern you need to cut the yarn which is at the center back (leaving a tail to weave in later) and reattach to the right edge of the back sts. Then there is probably a row about knitting across part of the back and joining to the other half of the back. From here on you’ll be knitting across the entire back, turning at the end of the row to work across the wrong side (WS) and again turning at the end of the row to knit the RS.

You are making the cutest wardrobe of lacy dresses.

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So I was knitting this, and on row 2, I put beads- according to the pattern, that would be the right side, but as I continued on, I noticed that the beads were on the wrong side. I frogged it. I already had frogged a few times but now I am again! I don’t know what I did wrong here, but which row would you suggest putting the beads on then? I suspect that the sides are wrong- So row 2 is wrong side not right- what do you think? Pattern indicates that row 1 is wrong, 2 is right, 3 is wrong- but because my bead placement is off, (which I know I did on row 2 btw, first 3 rows are just knit anyway) am I correct?

It could be that you were off in the count of the first 3 rows of garter stitch? In the Ravelry projects it looks like 3 garter stitch ridges which would be 5-6 rows but the directions may be different for the size you’re making.
Row 1 of the lace pattern is probably a purl row so row 2 would be the first knit row in pattern. Are you stringing the beads or adding them with a crochet hook?

I strung the beads- but I was just frustrated because I did put them on the right side, but as I continued- they were on the wrong side.

That can be a problem with stringing beads. They can shift around to the wrong side. Usually just a couple do that however, not every bead. As long as you’re adding on the right side of the lace, that’s the best you can do.
Putting the beads on stitch by stitch with a crochet hook or some kind of threader keeps the bead to the front but it does distort the stitch a bit.