I would like to repair an unfortunate big vertical rip in my cardigan. It is knitted in stockinette stitch. I have included a photo of the rip. I tried to set it up that it is ready to repair (only right side showing cut strands) but I have NO clue where to start.Would anybody please help me and give me a way to repair it?
Thank you very much for your precious help
Vertical rip on my stockinette stitch cardigan ... How do I repair it?
First of all, do you have any yarn left over from making the cardigan?
If you do, then you can do an invisible mend. If not, you will need to get some closely matching yarn, or have a look at “visible mending”, where you make the mend a feature.
If you have leftover or matching yarn, here’s one way to do an invisible mend:
(Ignore the last diagram on the page; that just shows picking up a dropped stitch.)
I wonder though whether this might be awkward given how tall your rip is, so I found a diagram that shows linking the stitches horizontally
The website is in Italian, but it doesn’t really matter because the diagrams show what to do.
See the heading “Rammendo su fili orizzontali” about halfway down the page.
And here’s another diagram:
Thank you so much … May I ask you, if it would be possible to knit the numbers of rows with the stitches I have picked up and then somehow mend the right and left edges? If so, how would I mend the edges?
Thanks you again!
This video added to the references that kushami posted should help especially with the edges.
Your sweater is so lovely. I hope the repair lets you get back to wearing and enjoying it.
Thank you very much to the both of you for all your help. I have started the repair this morning!
I have to tell you a story … this was my first attempt knitting a sweater. My nephew (5 yrs old) came for a visit and I was telling him that I should of planned to put some pockets on my cardigan. After letting him play for a while, he came back running to the living room with my cardigan in his hands! He was sooo happy to tell me that he had fixed my problem … He had cut a whole in my brand new cardigan … I was ready to cry but his expression was so cute and spontaneous that I was only able to replied: « You are so thoughtful my love … now I only have to figure out a way to knit a pocket!!! ». He kissed me and said: « It is a good thing I cut it so you can start to improve it!
I am learning now to be careful saying what I should of done with my knitting … an most of all NOT leaving my knitting near the children
That’s so sweet and yet devastating at the same time. You reacted perfectly. I hope the fix goes well or can at least become part of a pocket. Good luck with it!