I am SO gutted.
I’m three quarters of the way through a cardigan and have just discovered my yarn doesn’t match where a new ball is added in.
My yarn was bought all the same dye lot, I checked on delivery and rechecked today. But for explanation sake I’ll call them yarn A and yarn B. The difference between the 2 is significant.
A for All right
B for Bad!
After (very very) much huffing and puffing and investigating I have decided that some of it can stay as it is.
Here’s what I think happened on the cardigan pieces -
Back yarn A, ball 1 and an imperceptible join of ball 2 near the top.
Front right yarn A (must have been continuation of ball 2 I think)
Front left yarn B. Must be ball 3 started to work both fronts at the same time. This is not all that noticeably different purely because the entire front panel is in one yarn ball. I think with fabric drape, shadows, body movement, this piece would not be noticeable even though on close inspection it is different.
Sleeves worked at same time
Right sleeve yarn A, (must be what remained of ball 2 used on top of back and the right front) , ball 4 joined in, if I look very closely I see the change from ball 2 to 4 but blink and you’ll miss it.
Left sleeve PROBLEM yarn B (continued with ball 3 used on front left) worked 100 rows. Ball 5 joined in and worked about 13 rows in the new ball before I realised the colour problem. It is so obvious!
Due to the dark yarn I know the photo is not particularly clear but the left of the picture, around 13 rows is more of a tweedy black and white mix whereas yarn B which is almost the whole sleeve, is more of a grey in mix.
I don’t know what to do.
Rip out the entire sleeve and reknit using only ball 5 and discarding ball 3?
Something else???
Some sort of colour design feature I haven’t thought of?
I have one more yarn ball, ball 6. I can’t tell by looking at it if it will be like yarn A or yarn B.
I’ve knitted about a third of the total project in Yarn B before I noticed the problem but the sleeve difference really is a problem. I know we are our own worst critics but… Well, I wouldn’t wear this with the colour change like this.
Advise and/or commiserations welcomed.
This is my second experience of a bad dye lot and I am not handling the disappointment any better than I did this time last year!