Uneven Edge

Hello, I recently joined this format. I’ve been having trouble knitting this shawl. I began knitting about two weeks ago and I’m getting the hang of it but for some odd reason my row looks uneven. I’m using a pretty simple pattern I found on YouTube. It’s just knitting one row and increasing the next.


Welcome to KH!
You’re knitting looks quite nice. The tension is very even especially for a new knitter but even a more experienced one.
It may be that slipping the edge sts will help make this shawl look more even should you ever repeat the pattern. I don’t object to the edges as you have them which are very consistent but you might like a chain edge.

I agree, your tension looks good. Some unevenness will often be less noticeable after washing. Welcome to the wild and crazy world of knitting.

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I think your edge is quite even, but I did notice two increases. Anotated in image. Were these intentional?


Looks good. There will always be a slight blip where there’s an increase, it’s just the nature of knitting and the increases are making the shape of the shawl. For someone only knitting for 2 weeks you’re doing fabulously.

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Do you mean the overall line of the edge, as if you were to trace along it onto paper, the line would not be straight, as opposed to the individual stitches at the edge?

If so, I think this is just that your tension changed slightly. Or maybe there was a slightly thicker section in the yarn. Nothing to worry about and after you block the scarf it will probably not be noticeable.

Lovely garter stitch!

Hi! Thank you all for the advice. I’ll be sure to implant them for future projects. I also want to thank you all for being so kind. It’s very nice to talk to fellow crafters. I ended up restarting the project and took all your advice. It’s going good so far. I apologize for the late reply.