UK... Top Sewing?!

Hello, I’m Laura,
I’ve just finished knitting a lovely jumper pattern (Wendy Pure 5356), and for making up it tells me to join the shoulder seams by top sewing, before I can pick up the neck-line stitches to circular knit the neck.
Can anybody tell me what top sewing is and how to do it… if there’s a video that would be fantastic?!
Just want to finish it and be able to wear it!

We had that phrase “top sewing” come up recently and I think we didn’t know for sure what was meant. What I would do is use the technique shown at this page, which is part of a chapter from a free online knitting book by StudioKnits. LINK

You do that sewing from the top (as with most knit seams) so maybe they mean that.

I’ve no idea how accurate this is, but…

I’ve noticed that Thomas B. Ramsden patterns (Wendy, Peter Pan, Robin, etc.) often use terms that I’ve been told by experienced knitters are UK specific or “old-fashioned” terms – “yarn forward” for “yarn over”, for instance, on one of my first scarves.

ETA: here’s the explanation given, so we have it here:

‘Top sewing’ in knitting should not be confused with ‘top-stitching’ in sewing, which means stitches that are used for decorative purposes, such as round collars and openings on coats etc. Top sewing in knitting generally means stitching like a whip stitch over the outer edges of the 2 pieces being joined - this allows you to open the seam out, almost edge to edge afterwards to avoid bulkiness on seams, esp. in baby’s items, for better comfort. The stitches need to be a regular length into the seam, and fairly close together.

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Thank you both so much!
I can try and finish my jumper now… if I can work out how I’ll post a picture!

Yes it was a Peter Pan pattern. So top sewing is whip stitch. But is it done on the right side of the work. Many thanks.

There is a link above to the book with lots of photos and explanation of joining all sorts of different knit fabrics.
I’ll repost the link here for you
Click on it to get to the book with photos

Hi there

Many thanks for your help. I’m on an iPhone so it’s a bit small I can’t see where the pages are numbered. I can keep going through the pages and hope I come to it.


Jackie. :hugs:

Sorry. When I go on the link it starts at chapter 19 horizontal seams, I can see from the chapter contents that vertical seams are on chapter 21.
I don’t know enough about what you are seaming to be able to give exact advice on this, sorry.
In that book i saw various seams so thought you could find the one that closest matches what you are seaming.

If you can’t figure it out maybe post again to your original thread to salmonmac as I am not experienced.