I am knitting a toddler size toque on 2 circular needles. Divided stitches up onto them 24 on each needle. All was going well UNTIL I purled 24 stitches on the wrong needle and now ALL my stitches are back on host one circular needles. I’m not sure how to fix this? Do I tink the last 24 stitches onto the other needle or just transfer them somehow?
Ugh! Knit on the wrong needle😬
Welcome to KH. This is why I don’t use two circs. I invariably end up with all the stitches on one needle. With magic loop the stitches are supposed to be all on one needle and I can handle that. You should have one empty needle and you can slip half the stitches onto it, purlwise to not change the stitch mount. I’m trying to remember if there’s the possibility of just knitting the other half onto the empty needle. It’s been a long time since I used two circs.
It sounds like you can just slip them, purl wise, back to the other needle. However, just check if you worked them correctly when you purled them, or should they have been knit? If you worked them correctly you should be fine to just slip them to the other needle and be back in position to continue. If not, you’ll need to tink back.
Let us know how you get on.
That’s inevitably what happens to me when I use 2 circulars. If you happen to have 2 in the right size and with different color tips or composition it helps distinguish them. Since you needn’t divide equally you can have different numbers of sts on the 2 needles. That helps but I can usually overcome even that suggestion. When all the sts end up on one needle, I just knit some of them onto the empty needle and press on.
I don’t often use 2 circs, but when I do, I make sure any markers are, say, all green on one needle and all red on the other. Or plain markers on one and fancy markers on the other. If the pattern doesn’t call for markers, I put a couple anyway! I sometimes clip them into the fabric so I don’t have to slip them if they aren’t needed, but it still helps me know which needle I’m on.
It’s not a problem! I always use two circulars and occasionally get distracted. Just start the next round using the empty needle and stop half way round, then swap over to the second needle and you’ll be back on track!