Tubular Cast On?

Can this cast on be worked in the round (no seams)? I’ve only seen instructions for doing it flat.

Yes, I believe so. On the Ysolda blog she explains it here: http://ysolda.com/wordpress/pictorial-guides/double-rib-tubular-cast-on/

There are several tubular cast ons around. The Italian tubular cast on that I learned lately suggested doing at least two rows flat and then joining into the circle. When I did that with just the two rows it joined very easily and had hardly a noticable jog, but that was with sock yarn.

Yes I am OCD about jogs/joins in the rounds. When I did tubular knit flat for the first two rows (as it usually is) I thought I would have to figure out an elaborate way of wevaing in the tail at the start to hide the first two rows.

Turns out it’s invisible (and I am incredibly fussy about such things).

Try looking at Eunny Jang’s Endpaper Mitts on her blog, free pattern and the caston row gives a link to a page showing how to do the tubular caston and then tells you to do two rows flat then join into the round for ribbing.

Tubular castons look great, I love them and everyone who has seen them loves the stretchiness and the professional look.

I too am very picky about my projects and I’ve been known to frog and restart items 4-5 times, sometimes more until I am satisfied. Thinking about this type of cast on, I had thought that I should be able to do as described above. I just haven’t had the time to sit down and practice it. I’ve tried socks from the toe up and I’m never satisfied with the way the cast off along the cuff looks, that why I only make them from the toe down. But that tubular cast on edge looks so professional. Thanks everyone for your replies. I’ll have to make time to learn this method.

I’m a fan of the tubular cast-on, too! It takes longer (at least for me) to cast on, but the result is much nicer. I’m going to try the tubular cast off on the second of a pair of fingerless gloves – working one now. The first glove had a regular bind off so I’ll get to see the difference side-by-side. The pattern I’m doing calls for a 2x2 ribbing, but thanks to Ysolda’s detailed instructions via YouTube, I’ve mastered it.

do you do this with a needle size 1 or 2 sizes smaller than the pattern requires?

To be honest, I knit in the round with DPNs and have laddering whilst I am knitting, however, the first wash has always gotten rid of it. YMMV

It has been a long time since I worked this cast on. If you google it am sure you will find information to help you.

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Thank you. That explains a few things. I’ve been practising, and it didn’t look quite right

I’ll definitely follow that up. Thank you.