So the pattern says. The right side is facing you; it is time to join in the round. Slip the last 4 stitches, on the end of the needle, to a cable
needle. Join in the round, be careful not to twist. Hold the 4 stitches on the cable needle behind the first 4 stitches on the needle. (Knit the first stitch on the needle together with the first stitch on the cable, knit the 2nd stitch together with the 2nd stitch on the cable needle) repeat with the last 2 stitches, you are now joined in the round and have only 4 stitches worked. Place your beginning of the round marker. 147 stitches
The problem is that when I follow the instructions my working yarn is on the left needle not the right so does that mean I need to attach another ball of yarn to make that work?
Trouble with pattern
As I was reading that it didn’t look right to me either. Can you give us a pattern name and link please?
The directions aren’t very specific here. The way to work this is to stop before the last 4sts. So tink back those 4sts. Slip them to a spare needle or dpn. Bring the left needle around, ready to join to knit in the round. Hold the spare needle to the back of the left needle. Now your working yarn is at the tip of the right needle and you can knit the next 4 “double” sts as the pattern directs.
That dress could not be cuter!
That worked. Thanks for your help
I am having the same problem. Same designer, different pattern.
I managed to join in the round following these directions, but now I have the WS facing me if the tail is on the right needle. The collar is overlapping in the same direction as the photo.
If I try to join with the RS facing me, the collar overlaps in the wrong direction and I end up with my tail on the left needle.
The next step is to knit, but since I am on the WS, this will make a purled edge on the opposite side.
I am very confused. Help!
You finish the previous directions having completed a WS row. Turn to the RS, with the working yarn coming off the end of the left hand needle. Form the sts in a circle using whatever technique you prefer (magic loop, dpns, 2 circs). Now slip the 2sts at the end of the right hand needle (these were the first sts worked at the beginning of the WS row) to a cable needle.
Hold the 2 stitches on the cable needle behind the first 2 stitches on
the (left hand) needle. Knit the first stitch on the left hand needle together with the first stitch on the cable needle, knit the 2nd stitch together with the 2nd stitch on the cable needle, you are now joined in the round.
The RS will be facing ready to complete the round.
See if this diagram helps.
It’s a bit like the second method shown here where you join in the round by knitting the first and the last sts together. You’ll be knitting the first 2 and the last 2 together.
Oh my gosh, THANK YOU. I was taking the two stitches closest to the working yarn off onto the cable needle, not the very beginning two stitches. And your picture was an unbelievable help, since the left and right hand needles “switch” when you turn it into a circle. That worked! Amazing, thank you so much!
Wonderful! The little top is truly adorable and the hat is darling.