Transition to flat stranded knitting on neck

Hey hey! Thanks in advance for having a look at my question (:
I’m working on a fair isle sweater and have just reached the neck edge. I now have to transition to working flat instead of in the round. I have just worked the last stitches of the back of the sweater and I am supposed to break the yarn and rejoin the yarn on the neck edge of left front. All good and well but I don’t know how I’m supposed to start working from there since my needles aren’t at the correct spot. Should I just shift all the stitches from the left front to my left needle? I inserted a picture of where I’m at in the knitting. The green arrow is where I’m supposed to start working flat. I also added a screenshot of the part of the pattern where I’m at for clarity. I hope someone can help me out! I usually just try stuff out but with the stranded knitting I don’t want to mess up too much.
Much love, Nicky!

Your knitting looks beautiful! This is going to be a spectacular sweater. What is the name of the pattern?

It looks like you’ve completed the round and are about to work the last round where the front neck sts are placed on hold. Once you’ve done that and are back at the beginning of round, you are going to establish a new beginning of round at the left front neck edge. You will then be knitting back and forth from the left front neck edge to the right front neck edge starting with a WS row.
Slip the sts between the old beginning of round and the left front neck edge onto the right hand needle. You can then start the WS row with a new end of yarn having cut the old yarn strand leaving enough to weave in the yarn tail. There’ll be a gap where the front neck sts are on the holder.

Amazing! Thanks so much for the quick response :smiley: that’s what I thought I had to do but wasn’t completely sure and as mentioned, didn’t want to screw up and have to start this bit over.
It’s the Fisherman’s Jumper from Mati Ventrilon’s book “Knitting from Fair Isle”.

Oh wow!

Your knitting looks fabulous! I hope you’ll share a photo when finished as it looks so impressive.

Awh thanks so much! It’s my first fair isle project :smiley: will definitely share a photo of the finished sweater.

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