Top Down Cardigan


I’ve just started knitting a top down cardigan and and struggling to visualise how the arms are going to be attached. I’ve knitted the first 11 rows but can’t seem to work this out and didn’t want to go further without knowing. On the instructions I started with the cast on and followed the size A instructions. I understand how the yarn overs increase the stitch count which is working as expected but can’t really visualise how the arm holes will work? As I understand it I am currently knitting both the front and back in one section which will fold over but when this folds over there won’t be a gap for the arms. Hope this makes sense. Thanks in advance for your help

Your knitting is lovely. I take it this is your first top down raglan. It can be hard to grasp how this works. I think you’re trying to see how the sleeves will emerge. You should have a section headed divide for sleeves, or something similar. At that point you’ll put the sleeve stitches on a hold, usually using waste yarn, and continue with the body. The sleeves will be knitted later. Maybe this video will help you understand the process.

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The increases are at the 4 raglan seams. They form the borders between the left front, sleeve one, back, sleeve 2 and the right front. When the increases are finished, the sections that form the sleeves will probably be put on hold while you continue with the body. The body will be knit in one piece.

I’ve marked in red the sleeve sections which will eventually be placed on hold. If you read ahead after the increases you’ll probably see where this happens.
Your knitting looks lovely, nice and even.

Thank you both very much for getting back to me so quickly. You’re correct that this is my first cardigan that I’ve knitted top down. From what I showed you on the photo does it look like it’s correct at this stage? I did look ahead in the pattern and it shows where the holding part of the pattern happens for the sleeves. I just looked at it and thought I’d gone wrong as I’m not very good at visualising how the whole thing comes together and it’s a type of knitting I haven’t done before.

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Your knitting looks perfect so far. We’re seeing it from the wrong side in your photo but it all looks correct. If you’d like you can count the sts in the various sections and see if they make sense with the increases added to the cast on.
The video that GG linked to is very nice for showing the various steps.

Thank you both very much for your help. I really appreciate it :grinning:

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