Top down baby cardigan

I was working on the 7 hr baby cardigan. But put aside to finish another project. Have completed the yolk and both sleeves and moving on to the body. But I’m unhappy because at both underarms there are holes. I’ve done everything as directed and ended up with correct number of stitches. So when finished should I go in and weave some yarn into these areas to tighten it up? Maybe I’m being too critical but it bothers me.

Oh, one more thing. There are no seams other than the sleeves. Pattern directed seaming at the end of sleeve back up to the where it started using slip stitch.

I don’t like those gaps either. I suppose this pattern figures that you’ll close up holes with the seaming strand from the sleeves. You can cast on a stitch or 2 at the underarm on the body and sleeve and then seam across the gap after the sweater is finished. (I do the sleeves in the round.) It doesn’t hurt the sleeves or body to have the extra sts but if you prefer you can always decrease them as you knit the sleeves or body of the sweater.

I haven’t tried this method on the 5 or the 7 hour baby sweater but it’s handy to be aware of.


Thanks. In this pattern the yarn is continuous from sleeve seaming then continues back up to continue knitting the body. So I guess I can try to tighten up with darning needle and yarn when completed or I might just have to live with it, which I hope is not the case.

I’ve done that many times! They’re difficult to avoid. I sometimes put extra stitches under the arm if I can tell there’s going to be a gap there, then decrease them out on subsequent rounds, just like @salmonmac.

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Oh I get it now. I was a little confused on the solution offered. But now since I’m past that point on both sleeves I’m going to just have to see what I can do to make it better. Thanks for response.

As you said, you can tighten it up with yarn and tapestry needle.

I do have a thought. As I was knitting this, instead of using waste yarn, I used stitch holders. Could that have made the situation worse because heavier than yarn and maybe stretched it or pulled on the join area.

The stitch holders might have added a bit to the gap but there’s going to be a gap there with or without them. I leave the unworked body sts on the needle while I work the sleeves and I’ve also put sleeve sts on waste yarn while I knit the body. Either way I always have to close up a hole either by picking up extra sts and decreasing on the next round or by stitching around the gap.

Ok. Good to know it’s more “the nature of the beast” with this pattern and no something I did wrong.

I made that pattern long long ago. My mother saved it & put it on a doll. I just ran back & took her out of the case where she is displayed. There are holes under the arm. I have to tell you, nobody noticed before. I think I did when knitting but I was a pretty new knitter at the time and just thought it was how it was supposed to be. Duh. Don’t count on me to notice things.

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That’s amazing. I actually just finished the last touches today ( button, weaving ends, and closed the gaps). I posted earlier today that I circled these gaps, cinched it up and gone. Pretty painless. I’m now knitting a hat to go with it and then will post a picture.