The wrong or right side of the garter stitch

Okay…say I am making a scarf with only the garter stitch…how do I tell the wrong side from the right side…Thanks for your help.

One thing that I do, Susie, to tell the difference is to leave a bit of the tail from casting on, if that’s on my right, then I’m doing the right side, if it’s on my left, then I’m doing the wrong side. though I’ve found that it only works using straight needles, have yet to find out what happens with circ’s. Hope this helps.


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:thinking: I was under the impression that there was no wrong or right side in garter stitch… I thought it looked identical on both sides.

Heh, you have a point there, Aby, what it was I’m not sure of, but it’ll come to me…:slight_smile:

:shifty: :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah, if it a simple garter scarf, then there is no right/wrong side :wink:

well I stand corrected, no…no, I’m sitting, so I guess I’ll have to SIT corrected. :thumbsup:

Yep… no right or wrong side. IF the pattern asks you to do something on the RS or WS, just do it on the side you’re on, then put a safety pin on that side to remind you which is now the RS or WS.

YOU MEAN I WAS RIGHT??? ~notes~ Dear Diary, today I crossed over to the darkside of the force… :roflhard:

Welcome Younge Knitdi Knight!! rythmic D-Vador breathing

lol my husband keeps telling people “don’t worry, there will be an intervention soon” :rollseyes: