K2tog leans to the right and SSK and slip1k1psso both lean to the left. I have made a few raglan sweaters this year and I must say SSK and SKP have really aggravated me. K2tog always looks to perfect and tight and then you have these ugly loose SSK OR SKP stitches on the other side. I tend to use SSK more often, because in appearance it is the closest possible stitch to K2tog. I slip both stitches as if to knit (I hate the thought of twisting my stitches), but I have always preferred working the SKP decrease because it is so easy, I actually look forward to doing that decrease (ooh here come a skp… yippee). I DREAD making SSK (oh no, here comes a SSK, poor me) but I do it because usually it looks the most symmetrical. I guess shouldn’t dread it when I can do them both so quickly (it’s just one little stitch… c’mon) but I do.
I guess I’m a little dramatic when it comes to knitting. Every row is a little adventure, but that’s what makes it so fun.