Tension Nightmare

Dear All

This is driving me crazy. I have never needed to change needle sizes to get the correct tension for my knitting. However, I have a James Brett pattern JB224 which is knitted in James Brett Aztec Arun on 5mm and 4mm needles. No matter what I try I cannot knit a swatch that gives 18stitches to 10cm. I’ve tried 5mm, 5.5mm, 6mm and 7mm. Even on 7mm needles I have too many stitches. Am I missing something? I need help before I throw the whole lot in the bin. The wool is gorgeous by the way.

I’m going into a dark room to lie down. I was going in the wrong direction. I misread the instructions about what to do if you had the wrong number of stitches. ie less stitches to 10cm than recommended. Should have gone to smaller needles I think.


This can be so frustrating.
If you have more sts per 10cm than the pattern calls for go to a larger needle.
If you have fewer sts per 10cm go to a smaller needle.

Lovely design. We want to see this sweater when you finish!


Thank you, will persevere.

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I don’t think I can help, but just wanted to be supportive and cheer you on. Hope you get the right needle and gauge after your lie down.

Have you checked the needle suggestion and gauge on the yarn band? You haven’t got DK instead of aran or some slip up like this do you? I know the pattern can have a different gauge to the yarn band but often if it’s the yarn stated in the pattern the gauge is the same. Wondering if you bought online and were sent the wrong weight yarn perhaps.


Thank you for this. I’m knitting it in the recommended yarn and the band and the pattern match. I think I got fixed in my head I needed bigger needles :rofl: now I have dropped a size its spot on. Fingers crossed as the yarn is gorgeous, so soft. Will post a picture if/when I finish it.


That’s great news.

I really don’t like to make things that are fitted!

I just made Hubby a scarf and hat. He has a large head (23.5” - is that large?). His mom always had to cut his Little League hats to make them fit his head. Anyhow, epic fail on the gauge. I didn’t really know how ribbing gauge relates to overall fit. I knew I had different weight yarn, but I still went with what I thought should be gauge based on his head size and the pattern. It was probably twice as big as needed. Ended up with a well-fitting hat that was exactly the dimensions of the original pattern! :joy: But now I know!

I’m glad you’re not giving up! I probably would have! I have two partial cardigans in the closet. They’re really boring to work on.