Telemark yarn

Has anyone used this new yarn from KP? I checked it out on Ravelry, but everybody seems to want to sell or trade it, which makes me a little nervous. I love all the KP yarns I’ve used so far, but wonder how soft this is. TIA.

I have used telemark a few times and really like it. I usually use it for color work…it keeps my hands really warm as mittens and I’ve also used it for socks :thumbsup:

I have found telemark to be stiff and scratchy. I would only use it for an outside garment like a ski sweater or a jacket over a shirt so it doesn’t touch the skin.

I like it a lot.

I have used Telemark for mittens. I really like the mittens.

It’s great for felting, but other than that, I’m with dustinac. But I am also really sensitive to wool and can’t put it next to my skin if it’s the slightest bit itchy.

Since I was looking for something to wear next to the skin I opted for another yarn. Thank you all for the help.