Teazel Sweater - finished

I finally finished the Teazel swing sweater after making many, many mistakes. I did not frog or tink once I realized because with the pattern of multi-directional yarnovers and sliding out of place stitch markers, I just couldn’t bring myself to to start over each time. I like the finished product okay and will wear it, but lesson learned: pay very close attention to sliding stitch markers!Teazel sweater - finished


A beautiful design that looks lovely on you. Well done!

Thank you for your advice (as always!) and your kind words!

You look great in your beautiful new sweater!

Great result from your perseverance! I love the colour, it looks great on you.

Thank you!

The look will improve with jeans replacing the pajama bottoms, thank you GrumpyGramma!


I hadn’t noticed the PJ bottoms. They look like any pants to me. I love the design on them.

I also didn’t notice the pyjama bottoms, the cardigan looks great on you and I like the colour you chose.

Shintoga and GrumpyGramma,
I so appreciate the encouragement; I am newly retired and doing more knitting than usual, but find myself less likely to frog and/or tink to make corrections. I am experimenting with how I define “acceptable” and “unacceptable” and lastly, “quirky”. Your comments are helpful for that process!


That’s great and you’re welcome :slight_smile: your own definition of acceptable doesn’t need to match others, either.

What an achievement!
I’m not that brave. Well done.

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Well done. I can’t see any mistakes. Looks great on you.

Thank you!

That is a beautiful sweater and looks great on you. Well done on completing it :ok_hand::partying_face:

Thank you!