Suggests for knitting books?

Is there a book out there which features just different cast ons and bind offs? (Or has a large selection thereof?) I’ve been cruisin’ YouTube and while I finds lots of them, it’s hard for me to remember them. I try writing some of them down, but it’s easier for me to look at pictures. (Of course, I can just go back to the video of a technique I’m interested in and watch it again and again, but I’d still love a good old fashioned book!)

Oh, and while I’m here, can y’all recommend any books about knitting history? I’ve read snippets of it’s history from a few knitting books I have, but I’d love to know more. Thank you.:heart:

If you prefer pictures to videos here’s some good links.

There’s a ton of them here, but I don’t know if they are all pictures. Some may be videos.

I don’t know of a book, but if I find one I’ll post it.

I also refer to videos online for knitting help, but found a great book for reference and browsing techniques which I am insecure about. It covers all of the basic techniques of knitting, crochet, etc. Maybe you can look at it at a public library before purchasing:

ultimate knitting bible by Sharon Brant, isbn 978-1-84340-450-7

(I found mine in the “bargain section” at a TKMax store…)

hope this helps!

I guess there are a lot of ways of casting on and binding off. The fancy ones are usually done by the design professionals. There are only a few I find myself actually using. I do a traditional long tail cast on and regular bind off for most things. I do the German Twisted cast on (the video is here at KH) for hats, mittens, and toe down socks because it’s stretchy. I do Jenny’s surprisingly stretchy bind off for toe up socks. I do a provisional cast on only if the pattern calls for it.