Hi I’m getting ready to start a new project. I’m going to make Drops Design Frilly Julliet sleeveless top. The pattern calls for drops Alpaca yarn but wanted to use a cotton since it’s a summer top. I bought drops Safran that’s 100% cotton. Any ideas if this yarn will work and the top would hang properly.
Substituting yarn
Both of the yarns are from the same weight group and Drops encourages experimentation, switching and combining yarns by giving lots of additional substitution advice, swatch samples and such.
The online version of your pattern has a link to the yarn converter, if you put in the yarn for the pattern and what weight for your size it will give you a list of suitable substitutes and will also calculate how much yarn to buy. For substituting with safran you need a bit more (for smallest size for instance rather than 250g you would need 261g, so an extra ball)
Here’s the converter
Of course it will look somewhat different because it will be in a different yarn but if you swatch first you will be able to check you like the fabric drape. Cotton sounds like a good idea. It will be a lovely top.
Pretty top!
You can also look at the yarn ideas on the Ravelry page.
Some of the knitters used a cotton blend which will be lighter than 100% cotton and probably not stretch the way all cotton tends to do.
Thanks I did look at converter so I got appropriate amount kind of worried about drap and stretch
I didn’t know cotton stretches alot! But I usually sew a ribbon down sides of garment hopefully that will work for this top?
That’s a very good idea. That may well help stablize the cotton. It’s also a sport weight so that works in its favor as far as weight goes. It’ll be fun to see your sweater when you finish. Please do post a photo.
Sure thanks for all your advice and help